Fatimabibi Daulet,Farida Orazakynkyzy,Anuar Saule,Zhanat Zeinolla,Zhunisbek Gulnaz,Artemii Karapetiants
Abstract:Purpose of the study: The study examines the language specificity of the concept "destiny" as an important marker of the national mental space of Chinese and Kazakh ethnocultures. The authors revealed the national specifics of this concept, analyzed its historical and philosophical features of development in Chinese and Kazakh linguocultures, and also established its most important conceptual, value and figurative characteristics.
Methodology: This research was based on a number of lexicon-semantic and structural-grammatical methods of analysis. In addition, the authors used component analysis of the meaning of language units, methods of synchronous, comparative and comparative analysis, as well as structural-typological, comparative-historical, historical-etymological methods.
Main findings: The authors presented the evaluation of linguistic-philosophical aspects of the concept “destiny”, ways of its representation in various concept spheres, as well as patterns of its functioning in various discourses. In addition, this concept belongs to the category of axiological concepts and is regarded as a marker of the national mental space. It has a cultural dimension and is able to determine the specificity of the national concept sphere.
Applications of this study: The results of this work can be used in further studying the concept of "destiny" in both related and genetically distant languages, in various types of discourse. A promising is a separate consideration of the phraseological and paremiological embodiment of the studied concept, as well as its connection with other concepts, such as “life”, “death”, “happiness”, “love”, “soul”, “path”, etc. It is also worth to note the are practical significance of the study of the translation aspect of the concept "destiny".
Implications of the study: The authors believe that the results of the study will help to better understand the native Chinese speakers. This can help increase the effectiveness of intercultural communication, which is immeasurably important in living conditions in the “global village”, as well as respect for one’s culture and understanding of someone else’s.
Novelty/Originality of this study: The significance of the study is due to the fact that, according to our data, a systematic comparative description of the universal and cultural-specific characteristics of the concept “destiny” in Chinese and Kazakh linguocultures has not yet been carried out. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the development and refinement of the scientific understanding of the characteristics of the concept, the definition of specific discreteness, which the concept “destiny” implements in Chinese and Kazakh languages.