Transhepatic forceps biopsy after PTCD for histological assessment of bile duct stenoses or occlusions
Eva-Marie Warnken,Michael Uder,Hubert Stein,Michael Wucherer,Michael Lell,Herbert Muschweck,Ralf Adamus
Abstract:Purpose: The goal of this study was to evaluate the experience of 11 years of wire-guided forceps biopsy via PTCD in patients with obstructive jaundice. Materials and methods: In a retrospective approach, 56 biopsies in 51 patients were analyzed (22 female, 29 male). Data was collected from 2006 to 2016. Mean age was 71 years (range: 34 - 86 years). Data was extracted from dig. Patients' records (KIS, PACS, RIS) to be analyzed in Microsoft Excel. Results: All 56 procedures were technically successful. Stenosis in anastomoses were benign due to scarring in 7 patients and in 9 due to papillitis or others. In 4 patients, results in anastomosis were malignant. In 19 patients without anastomosis, CCC was the diagnosis, thereof 10 klatskin, 9 stenosis in other locations, followed by gastric, pancreatic, and colon carcinoma in 5, 3, and 2 patients. Three patients had a CUP (multimetering in case of more than 1 related category). Overall results were 35 mal. and 16 benign, 76.8 % of all proc. had a correct histopathologic result, and 23.2 % were false negative. Sensitivity was 65.8 %, which results in negative predictive value of 58.1 %. There was no false positive and so specificity was 100 %, as was the positive predictive value. False negative results (no malignancy but clinically and imaging suspect) were corrected by rerunning the procedure, by CT-guided biopsy or by 1 PET-CT. In 1 case the surg. sample brought the result. Minor complications occurred in 8 patients: shivering in 1 case, distinct but hemodynamically not relevant hemobilia in 5 cases, 2 portovenal bleedings. All bleedings were short-term and self-limiting. Conclusion: Despite good feasibility, low peri- and post-interv. risk and high validity the forceps biopsy via PTCD is not widely used. For experienced interventionalists, it is an effective method for obtaining histology.