Confinement of Vibrotactile Stimuli in Periodically Supported Plates

Ayoub Ben Dhiab,Charles Hudin
Abstract:For multitouch and multiuser interactions on a touch surface, providing a local vibrotactile feedback is essential. Usually, vibration propagation impedes this localization. Previous work showed that narrow strip-shaped plates could allow the confinement of vibrotactile stimuli to the actuated area. Adding to this principle, periodically supported plates also provide a non-propagative effect at low frequencies. Using both geometrical properties, we provide a device allowing a multitouch interaction through an array of piezoelectric actuator. Experimental validation show that vibrations are well confined on top of actuated areas with vibration amplitude over 2 μdocumentclass[12pt]{minimal}usepackage{amsmath}usepackage{wasysym}usepackage{amsfonts}usepackage{amssymb}usepackage{amsbsy}usepackage{mathrsfs}usepackage{upgreek}setlength{oddsidemargin}{-69pt}egin{document}$$upmu $$end{document}m.
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