Partial Discharge Signal Classification Utilizing Time-Frequency Representation And Two Directional 2dpca
Ruijin Liao,Ke Wang,Lijun Yang,Lei Yuan,Jian Li
Abstract:In this paper, a new feature extraction algorithm is presented, based on a time-frequency representation technique S transform (ST) and two-directional two-dimensional principal component analysis ((2D)(2)PCA), which enables the classification of partial discharge (PD) UHF signals generated by different artificial defects utilizing a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. S transform (ST) is firstly employed to obtain a time-frequency representation of the recorded UHF signals. Then, (2D)(2)PCA is applied to compress the ST amplitude(STA) matrices to extract various feature vectors with different (d(1), d(2)) combinations, i.e. (5, 5), (5, 10), (10, 5) and (10, 10). In the training phase, LIBSVM toolbox is used to construct the SVM classifier, and the two parameters of SVM are selected by particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. After that the PSO-SVM classifier is trained using the selected parameters. During testing, the PD classes are recognized by means of the trained PSO-SVM. Besides, a comparison with the traditional three-layer back propagation neural network (BPNN) is given in this study Experimental results show that the classification accuracies by PSO-SVM are all higher than that by BPNN under four circumstances of (d(1), d(2)) combinations. The success rates of the PSO-SVM with the four feature vectors are above 94% in all cases, and the highest classification accuracy 97.67% is obtained with the (10, 5) combination. Furthermore, by applying (2D)(2)PCA, the feature dimension can be dramatically decreased compared with that of the obtained STA matrices, and the most important information of original data is also preserved. It can he found that the proposed feature extraction and classification algorithm can be effectively applied to PD pattern recognition. Copyright (C) 2012 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved.