ApaI polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor predict bone density of the lumbar spine and not racial difference in bone density in young men.
N. Bell,N. Morrison,Tuan V. Nguyen,J. Eisman,B. Hollis
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1067/MLC.2001.112095
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
Abstract:A number of previous investigations showed significant associations between polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene and bone mineral density (BMD). BMD is influenced by hormones and the rate of skeletal remodeling. A study was performed to investigate the possible relationship between Apa I, Bsm I, Taq I, and Fok I polymorphisms of the VDR gene and serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25[OH]2D), osteocalcin, and propeptide of type I collagen (PICP)-markers of bone turnover, total body calcium, and BMD of the total body, radius, lumbar spine, trochanter, and femoral neck-in 39 young adult black men of 20 to 40 years of age and 44 age-, height-, and weight-matched white men. The distribution of each of the four alleles of the VDR genotypes was similar in the two racial groups. The Apa I VDR genotype was associated with serum PICP (P =.0494) but not with serum 1,25(OH)2D or serum osteocalcin. A significant association between the Apa I VDR genotype and BMD of the lumbar spine (P =.0291) was also observed. However, the Bsm I, Taq I, and Fok I genotypes were not significantly associated with BMD or serum osteocalcin, PICP, or 1,25(OH)2D. Multivariate stepwise analysis indicated that (1) the Apa I VDR genotype was associated with BMD of the lumbar spine in the two groups together; with total body calcium and BMD of the total body, radius, trochanter, and femoral neck in the black men; and with BMD of the radius in the white men; analysis also indicated that (2) race was significantly associated with total body calcium and BMD of the total body, lumbar spine, and femoral neck. In summary, the Apa I VDR genotype is associated with serum PICP and BMD at a number of sites but does not contribute to or account for racial differences in BMD in young adult men.