Deepening citizens’ legal culture as a means of the optimization of intellectual property protection in Ukraine
Yuriy Boshytskyi
Law Review of Kyiv University of Law
Abstract:The article covers the result of theoretical modeling of the optimal state policy in the field of intellectual property. In particular,its elements are defined as follows: optimization of knowledge in the field of legal protection of intellectual property, legal consciousnessof citizens, protection of authors of objects of intellectual property from illegal encroachments by unscrupulous producers, etc. Ina market economy, legal regulation of intellectual creativity is of greatest importance. In this field the most serious problem is the lowlevel of legal culture of Ukrainian citizens and of education in the field of intellectual property. Due to this, there is inadequate professionaltraining of judges, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, of the Security Service of Ukraine, of customs and tax services,and other specialists, whose activities are related to intellectual property relations. Thus, the article analyzes the inconsistencies of intellectualproperty legislation, the imperfection of the regulatory framework for regulating general issues of intellectual property, and thedistribution of rights to the results of creative activities, covered by budget funds. It is proposed to optimize legal regulation of invention,to improve public relations promoting positive influence of external factors on rates of acceleration and optimization of invention,on social orientation of invention, on realizing and coordinating interests of participants of an innovation cycle among themselves andwith the interests of society, on combining management mechanisms of economics and invention, on achieving the unity of the sociallydesirable goal of the scientific and technical cycle, etc.It is also stated that the effective development of the creation and use of objects of intellectual property and their effective andproper legal protection increasingly depends on the level of legal culture of citizens. It is substantiated that deepening legal culture ofcitizens and their legal awareness is an important factor in improving the protection of intellectual property in Ukraine as a whole.The legal culture of society covers all the achievements of the legal life of society, characterizes its growth in respect of values,its level of development, its perfection in the general context of social progress. The legal culture of an individual is a positive qualityof development of the legal life of the individual, which provides the necessary level of legal knowledge, understanding its social value,the ability to exercise one’s legal rights and to perform consciously one’s legal duties.The article offers the reinterpretation of the problem of cultural education of future lawyers, of the need for radical renewal ofthe organization and the implementation of professional training. In any society, along with the rule of law, there must also be the ruleof legal culture. Therefore, in the presence of the rule of cultural principles, the professional consciousness of a lawyer, the spiritualparameters of his legal actions could be formed.