Victor Buftea,Constantin Boeștean,Valeria Grosul
The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati Fascicle XV Physical Education and Sport Management
Abstract:The high professional training of the specialist-coach at the present time is conditioned by the alert dynamics of modern sports at all Olympic events and has become a direct dependent of this phenomenon. Nowadays, the professional competence and the coach's ability to support the requirements of the athletes' training for the competition program are highlighted by the maximum possible and correct utilization of all the information and forms of training in all the directions that the respective sports event takes. Thus, the coordinates of the professional training of the coach propagate a clear definition of the training/education of the performance athlete, all of which are oriented towards the highest possible result. The professional training process itself, determined by its complex character, implies the functionality of a much more creative and well-defined instructional system. The structure of the specialist trainer's skills training program, at the present time, requires the clear expression of all knowledge actions, which should be able to subordinate the training schemes in order to develop and improve the full bio-psycho-motor potential of the athlete. In the context of the above, it should be mentioned that in front of higher education, in which the high professional training of the future specialist-coach takes place, the problem of developing and establishing modernist didactic strategies, which propel the realization of the set of educational standards and specialized objectives to obtain a high quality product. In this case, the educational unit, which educates a well-trained professional coach, must exercise all its instructional activities at an excellent level, aiming at the high degree of acquisition of pedagogical skills and the education of the highest possible sports mastery. The present study provides the determination of the set of skills characteristic of a high degree of professional training of the specialist-coach, which, being coupled and systematized on modules, would be able to complete the vast arsenal of knowledge of the subject for the most effective centralized training of the athlete. Certainly, such a classification can complete the specialist-coach's professional profile with those characteristics, which must necessarily be consistent with the needs of training athletes depending on the current requirements of modern sports.