Air pollution, residents’ happiness, and environmental regulation: evidence from China

Fang Xu,Xiao-Ling Luo,Di Zhou
IF: 5.8
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Abstract:<p class="a-plus-plus">This study investigates the impact of air pollution on residents' subjective happiness, using data from the China General Social Survey for 2013, 2015, and 2017, regional air pollution, and socioeconomic indicators. We find that air pollution has a negative effect on residents' subjective happiness. Specifically, the average marginal effect of the logarithm of SO<sub class="a-plus-plus">2</sub> emissions on happiness is −0.0099 and significant at the 1% level; namely, a one-unit increase in <span class="a-plus-plus inline-equation id-i-eq1"><span class="a-plus-plus equation-source format-t-e-x"><span class="mjpage"><svg xmlns:xlink="" width="6.094ex" height="2.509ex" style="vertical-align: -0.671ex;" viewBox="0 -791.3 2623.9 1080.4" role="img" focusable="false" xmlns=""><g stroke="currentColor" fill="currentColor" stroke-width="0" transform="matrix(1 0 0 -1 0 0)"> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-6C" x="0" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-6E" x="278" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-53" x="835" y="0"></use> <use xlink:href="#MJMAIN-4F" x="1391" y="0"></use> <use transform="scale(0.707)" xlink:href="#MJMAIN-32" x="3068" y="-213"></use></g></svg></span></span></span> will reduce the likelihood of residents feeling happy by 0.99%. This negative effect is greater for those who have children, are old, or have a higher level of education. We also empirically test two mechanisms by which air pollution affects subjective happiness—depressed mood and leisure activities outside the home—and demonstrate that environmental regulation can moderate the negative impact of air pollution on happiness, but the moderating effects are nonlinear. Environmental governance investments are more effective at the low level, pollutant discharge fees are more effective at the medium level, and complaints about environmental pollution are more effective at the high level. As well as enriching theoretical insights into the relationship between air pollution and happiness, this study provides a valuable reference for developing more suitable policies in relation to environmental management and national happiness.</p><svg xmlns="" style="display: none;"><defs id="MathJax_SVG_glyphs"><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-6C" d="M42 46H56Q95 46 103 60V68Q103 77 103 91T103 124T104 167T104 217T104 272T104 329Q104 366 104 407T104 482T104 542T103 586T103 603Q100 622 89 628T44 637H26V660Q26 683 28 683L38 684Q48 685 67 686T104 688Q121 689 141 690T171 693T182 694H185V379Q185 62 186 60Q190 52 198 49Q219 46 247 46H263V0H255L232 1Q209 2 183 2T145 3T107 3T57 1L34 0H26V46H42Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-6E" d="M41 46H55Q94 46 102 60V68Q102 77 102 91T102 122T103 161T103 203Q103 234 103 269T102 328V351Q99 370 88 376T43 385H25V408Q25 431 27 431L37 432Q47 433 65 434T102 436Q119 437 138 438T167 441T178 442H181V402Q181 364 182 364T187 369T199 384T218 402T247 421T285 437Q305 442 336 442Q450 438 463 329Q464 322 464 190V104Q464 66 466 59T477 49Q498 46 526 46H542V0H534L510 1Q487 2 460 2T422 3Q319 3 310 0H302V46H318Q379 46 379 62Q380 64 380 200Q379 335 378 343Q372 371 358 385T334 402T308 404Q263 404 229 370Q202 343 195 315T187 232V168V108Q187 78 188 68T191 55T200 49Q221 46 249 46H265V0H257L234 1Q210 2 183 2T145 3Q42 3 33 0H25V46H41Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-53" d="M55 507Q55 590 112 647T243 704H257Q342 704 405 641L426 672Q431 679 436 687T446 700L449 704Q450 704 453 704T459 705H463Q466 705 472 699V462L466 456H448Q437 456 435 459T430 479Q413 605 329 646Q292 662 254 662Q201 662 168 626T135 542Q135 508 152 480T200 435Q210 431 286 412T370 389Q427 367 463 314T500 191Q500 110 448 45T301 -21Q245 -21 201 -4T140 27L122 41Q118 36 107 21T87 -7T78 -21Q76 -22 68 -22H64Q61 -22 55 -16V101Q55 220 56 222Q58 227 76 227H89Q95 221 95 214Q95 182 105 151T139 90T205 42T305 24Q352 24 386 62T420 155Q420 198 398 233T340 281Q284 295 266 300Q261 301 239 306T206 314T174 325T141 343T112 367T85 402Q55 451 55 507Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-4F" d="M56 340Q56 423 86 494T164 610T270 680T388 705Q521 705 621 601T722 341Q722 260 693 191T617 75T510 4T388 -22T267 3T160 74T85 189T56 340ZM467 647Q426 665 388 665Q360 665 331 654T269 620T213 549T179 439Q174 411 174 354Q174 144 277 61Q327 20 385 20H389H391Q474 20 537 99Q603 188 603 354Q603 411 598 439Q577 592 467 647Z"></path><path stroke-width="1" id="MJMAIN-32" d="M109 429Q82 429 66 447T50 491Q50 562 103 614T235 666Q326 666 387 610T449 465Q449 422 429 383T381 315T301 241Q265 210 201 149L142 93L218 92Q375 92 385 97Q392 99 409 186V189H449V186Q448 183 436 95T421 3V0H50V19V31Q50 38 56 46T86 81Q115 113 136 137Q145 147 170 174T204 211T233 244T261 278T284 308T305 340T320 369T333 401T340 431T343 464Q343 527 309 573T212 619Q179 619 154 602T119 569T109 550Q109 549 114 549Q132 549 151 535T170 489Q170 464 154 447T109 429Z"></path></defs></svg>
environmental sciences
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