Reply [to Comment on “Are we slighting female colleagues?”]

Linda Abriola
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union
Abstract:The AGU Fellows Committee takes its role seriously and makes every effort to eliminate any bias in the Fellows selection process. Gender imbalance is an issue that continues to concern the committee.The following information may help put this problem into perspective. The total number of Fellows selected in any year cannot exceed 0.1% of the membership at the end of the previous year. For 2004 this limit was 41 Fellows. Although women represent 17% of the total AGU membership, the percent of members over the age of 40 that are women is only 11% (most Fellows are over 40 at election). The total number of women nominated was 13 (7% of nominations). The total number of men nominated was 127 (93% of nominations).
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