The Classical Theatre and the Material Culture. The Example of Lipari’s Masks
Francesca Fatta,Andrea Marraffa
Abstract:Fifty years of archeological carried on led in the Eolian Islands, almost in Lipari, flushed out the completest mask’s heritage ever seen of all over the world of the Classical theater. Nowadays, these artifacts are preserved in the Archeological Bernabò Brea Museum in Lipari. They are the widest end the completes corpus related to the mask and the stage costume. The masks becomes, in this way, the ideal hinge to unify the tangible and objectual world of the architectonical space of theater, and that more intangible, linked to a its own dreamlike, ritual and magic representation. The digital photo modeling analysis of some typologies of masks, amor entire and fragmentary pieces, will be the chance to reflect on the possibility to build a new epiphanic image for the mask. A protocol of ‘digital anastylosis’, with the aim to give new memory to artifacts intended to remain, otherwise, mutilate and silent. The research also include the implementation of a multimedia section through digital AR and VR system and prototyping models for blind people. The Edutainment is the final purpose of our Research.