Evaluation of Peak-Fitting Software for Gamma Spectrum Analysis
Guilherme S. Zahn,Frederico A. Genezini,Maurício Moralles
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1511.04362
Abstract:In all applications of gamma-ray spectroscopy, one of the most important and delicate parts of the data analysis is the fitting of the gamma-ray spectra, where information as the number of counts, the position of the centroid and the width, for instance, are associated with each peak of each spectrum. There's a huge choice of computer programs that perform this type of analysis, and the most commonly used in routine work are the ones that automatically locate and fit the peaks; this fit can be made in several different ways -- the most common ways are to fit a Gaussian function to each peak or simply to integrate the area under the peak, but some software go far beyond and include several small corrections to the simple Gaussian peak function, in order to compensate for secondary effects. In this work several gamma-ray spectroscopy software are compared in the task of finding and fitting the gamma-ray peaks in spectra taken with standard sources of $^{137}$Cs, $^{60}$Co, $^{133}$Ba and $^{152}$Eu. The results show that all of the automatic software can be properly used in the task of finding and fitting peaks, with the exception of GammaVision; also, it was possible to verify that the automatic peak-fitting software did perform as well as -- and sometimes even better than -- a manual peak-fitting software.
Instrumentation and Detectors,Nuclear Experiment