III International Meeting of Mathematical Education
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1408/1/011001
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Abstract:L M Dueñas Ramírez 1,3 , H M Parra-López 2 , J P Rojas Suárez 2 , and E D V-Niño 1 1 Foundation of Researchers in Science and Technology of Materials, Colombia 2 Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander, San José de Cúcuta, Colombia 3 Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia E-mail: matematicasyestadistica@ufps.edu.co, deydannv@gmail.com The objective of the III International Meeting of Mathematical Education (III IMME), was to create and maintain a space that privileges the reflection and discussion about the education, didactic, and application of mathematics, its history, evolution, methods, its interrelationship with sciences and its pedagogical practices. In the meeting, researchers, scientists and teachers of mathematics shared results of research, consolidated networks for the exchange of successful experiences, this in order to strengthen the mathematical education in different levels of education, to promote the innovation, and to foment the creation of educational policies, models, strategies, tools and techniques in geometry, math, and research. This academic space had been maintained; and for this reason, the I International Meeting in Mathematical Education took place in the first semester of 2017 with the presence and participation of teachers, students and professionals from different university and basic and secondary education institutions. During the meeting, the researchers performed activities such as, magisterial conferences, brief conferences, posters presentation, stained glasses, mosaics and paintings; trainings and master’s courses. The meeting allowed educators and researchers to learn and connect with the international mathematical modeling and applications community and thus boost promotion in this field. Since 2017, the community, especially students and graduates of the master’s program in mathematical education have participated and strengthened its action thanks to the meetings and networks that this event propitiates; in this way, every year, managing to integrate researchers, professors and entrepreneurs from countries such as Ecuador, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, Venezuela, Italy, Brazil, among others. It is a valuable opportunity for mathematics educators and researchers around the world to learn more about the development and the promotion of mathematical education, generating knowledge which was framed in the way of understanding the world, in the logic that is always understood from the perspective of the author in education research, dissemination of knowledge, and creation of new models and applications in sciences. List of Organizing Committee, International Committee, National Committees are available in the pdf.