Юань гүрний зэсийн улаан паалантай шаазан (Юлихун) -гийн судалгааны зарим асуудалд
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22353/mjaae.2024130107
Abstract:In the scholarly exploration of Chinese ceramic history, the Yuan Dynasty emerges as a pivotal era, distinguished by its remarkable advancements in porcelain artistry, culminating in the mastery of porcelain craft. This period is notably marked by the emergence and refinement of underglaze red porcelain, a quintessential embodiment of Yuan ceramic excellence. The inception of underglaze red porcelain, a technique entailing the application of copper-containing colorant to porcelain before overlaying it with a transparent glaze and firing at temperatures exceeding 1350°C in a reducing kiln atmosphere, is historically attributed to the Yuan Dynasty. This technique, which flourished subsequently during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, represents a significant evolution in ceramic art. Each Chinese dynasty contributed uniquely to the ceramic arts, with the Yuan Dynasty particularly enhancing the underglaze red porcelain technique during its middle and late periods, as evidenced by the sophisticated coloration in surviving artifacts. This study aims to thoroughly examine the underglaze red porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty, highlighting its artistic uniqueness and exceptional craftsmanship. The paper commences with an overview of the Yuan Dynasty’s historical context—its political, economic, and cultural landscape—setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the underglaze red porcelain’s development. This is followed by an exploration of the porcelain’s creation process, including material selection and firing methods, to underscore the intricacies of its craftsmanship. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the artistic and decorative elements of the underglaze red porcelain will be undertaken, focusing on aspects such as form, design motifs, and glaze hues, to unpack its stylistic and aesthetic dimensions. The culmination of this paper will be an evaluation of the historical significance and artistic merit of the Yuan Dynasty’s underglaze red porcelain, offering insights into its enduring legacy and influence on subsequent ceramic traditions. Through this comprehensive investigation, the study not only enriches our understanding of the Yuan Dynasty’s ceramic artistry but also underscores the importance of preserving and promoting traditional Chinese ceramic heritage. Additionally, it provides a foundation for further scholarly inquiry and conservation efforts in the realm of ancient Chinese ceramics.