Iranian Development Model: State and Society Concept, Crises and Problems
A. Bogacheva
World Economy and International Relations
Abstract:The presidential election of 2021 set a new stage in shaping of the Iranian development model. The conservative discourse once again took its place as the main one for the whole country underpinning the return to the implementation of the conservative modernization project. Key components of this project are outlined in the comprehensive development plan “Vision 2025”, as well as in the General Program for the Islamic-Iranian Progress. Among the development goals, which, according to this plan, Iran aims to achieve by 2025, are: sustainable economic growth; preservation and strengthening of the Islamic system and Islamic identity of Iran; regional leadership in economic, scientific, and technological development. Undoubtedly, to achieve these goals, a lot of work has been done by several governments, but it is obvious that these ambitions will not be fulfilled in the remaining period of the current government’s term. In turn, the General Program for the Islamic-Iranian Progress shifts the focus from development (in its secular, Western definition) to progress, which can only be achieved in the framework of Islamic and Iranian values and principles. The Islamic model of modernization is proposed as a guideline for development in the spiritual, political, cultural, and scientific life. However, the most important problem in the implementation of this plan is the large number of long-term unresolved economic problems associated with the negative outcomes of sanctions and urgent political crises such as the legitimacy crisis, institutional crisis, as well as the general weakening of the prestige of the “Islamic component” of Iran’s political system. The article analyzes the domestic development problems of Iran, which are relevant in the context of the ongoing crises, as well as the phenomenon of the “Iranian Model” with all of its political, economic, and social components.