Competing Bose-Glass physics with disorder-induced Bose-Einstein condensation in the doped $S=1$ antiferromagnet Ni(Cl$_{1-x}$Br$_x$)$_2$-4SC(NH$_2$)$_2$ at high magnetic fields
Maxime Dupont,Sylvain Capponi,Mladen Horvatić,Nicolas Laflorencie
Abstract:We study the interplay between disorder and interactions for emergent bosonic degrees of freedom induced by an external magnetic field in the Br-doped spin-gapped antiferromagnetic material Ni(Cl$_{1-x}$Br$_x$)$_2$-4SC(NH$_2$)$_2$ (DTNX). Building on nuclear magnetic resonance experiments at high magnetic field [A. Orlova et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 067203 (2017)], we describe the localization of isolated impurity states, providing a realistic theoretical modeling for DTNX. Going beyond single impurity localization we use quantum Monte Carlo simulations to explore many-body effects from which pairwise effective interactions lead to a (impurity-induced) BEC revival [M. Dupont, S. Capponi, and N. Laflorencie, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 067204 (2017)]. We further address the question of the existence of a many-body localized Bose-glass (BG) phase in DTNX, which is found to compete with a series of a new kind of BEC regimes made out of the multi-impurity states. The global magnetic field-temperature phase diagram of DTNX reveals a very rich structure for low impurity concentration, with consecutive disorder-induced BEC mini-domes separated by intervening many-body localized BG regimes. Upon increasing the impurity level, multiple mini-BEC phases start to overlap, while intermediate BG regions vanish.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Disordered Systems and Neural Networks