Analysis of Gas Composition of a Cold Plasma Jet Generated on the Basis of Atmospheric Pressure Microwave Discharge
S. N. Antipov,M. Kh. Gadzhiev,M. V. Il’ichev,A. S. Tyuftyaev,A. V. Chistolinov,D. I. Yusupov
Plasma Physics Reports
Abstract:Using chromatography, the gas composition in a cold plasma jet, which is a flowing afterglow of a microwave glow discharge at atmospheric pressure, is analyzed. The plasma jet is formed by the interaction of the discharge plasma with atmospheric air behind the outlet of the 6-electrode plasma torch, electrical power to which is supplied from the waveguide microwave (2.45 GHz) plasmatron. An analysis of the gas samples of the jet shows that when plasma-forming argon flows through the microwave discharge, hydrogen and methane are formed behind the discharge region, and the concentration of carbon monoxide increases by 5–6 times. The reactive oxygen species in the cold plasma jet is studied using liquid chromatography of an aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol after treatment with the plasma jet. It is found that because of plasma treatment, partial oxidation of isopropyl alcohol to acetone occurs. This makes it possible to consider acetone as an indicator of reactive oxygen species (hydroxyl radicals, atomic oxygen and ozone) in a cold plasma jet.
physics, fluids & plasmas