Single-hole Wave Function in Two Dimensions: A Case Study of the Doped Mott Insulator
Shuai Chen,Qing-Rui Wang,Yang Qi,D. N. Sheng,Zheng-Yu Weng
Abstract:We study a ground-state ansatz for the single-hole doped $t$-$J$ model in two dimensions via a variational Monte Carlo (VMC) method. Such a single-hole wave function possesses finite angular momenta generated by hidden spin currents, which give rise to a novel ground state degeneracy in agreement with recent exact diagonalization (ED) and density matrix renormalization group (DMGR) results. We further show that the wave function can be decomposed into a quasiparticle component and an incoherent momentum distribution in excellent agreement with the DMRG results up to an $8\times 8 $ lattice. Such a two-component structure indicates the breakdown of Landau's one-to-one correspondence principle, and in particular, the quasiparticle spectral weight vanishes by a power law in the large sample-size limit. By contrast, turning off the phase string induced by the hole hopping in the so-called $\sigma\cdot t\text{-}J$ model, a conventional Bloch-wave wave function with a finite quasiparticle spectral weight can be recovered, also in agreement with the ED and DMRG results. The present study shows that a singular effect already takes place in the single-hole-doped Mott insulator, by which the bare hole is turned into a non-Landau quasiparticle with translational symmetry breaking. Generalizations to pairing and finite doping are briefly discussed.