Perceptions of Adult Obesity Education: A Pilot Study
Seleda Ann Williams,Cara Marie Sandholdt,Jeffrey Robert Fine,Kougang Anne Mbe
Abstract:Objectives: This pilot research study, conducted at a large academic healthcare facility, used mixed methodology to (1) administer a survey to a group of primary care trainees and faculty and (2) conduct key informant interviews with the program directors, or their delegates of these primary care training programs, so as to gain insight into respondents' perceptions about their training on adult obesity. To maintain confidentiality of the key informants, they were defined as "Administrators." Faculty and trainees were from family medicine and internal medicine residency programs, as well as family nurse practitioner and physician assistant training programs. Methods: This study used a quantitative survey and four qualitative key informant (Administrator) interviews. Descriptive statistics, χ2, or Fisher exact tests were used to analyze select survey responses. Administrator interviews were analyzed with thematic analysis. Results: Survey respondents (n = 75) included primary care trainees (n=34), faculty (n=30), other (n=2), did not answer (n=9). Surveys indicated that additional training is needed for bariatric surgery, weight loss medications, and clinical nutrition. The three highest ranked topics in the surveys on adult obesity were basic nutrition, behavioral weight management, and a rotation on adult obesity. Most agreed on the need for interprofessional collaboration, a centralized obesity treatment center, and an introductory obesity course. Key themes from the four Administrator interviews revealed the need: for more training; to build upon current curriculum; use innovative technology; fiscal challenges; and time management. Conclusions: Both faculty and trainees perceive that academic and clinical training on adult obesity is inadequate, and that trainees need more education on such topics as nutrition, physical activity, behavioral health, antiobesity medications, and bariatric surgery. Competency to treat varied by topic. It also showed that more interprofessional collaboration and a centralized obesity treatment center are needed. Recommendations included integrating modular units about obesity into already established primary care training programs and providing additional resources.