Study of Kindergarten Environment Creation from the Perspective of Children — — A Case study of experimental Kindergarten affiliated to China Women ' s University 胡华

Huabei Hu
Abstract:院"Kindergarten education guidance outline (trial)" points out: "the environment is an important educational resource, should through the creation and use of the environment, effectively promote the development of children. In the field of preschool education research, although there have been a lot of research on kindergarten environment creation, but the research on environment creation based on children's perspective is still rare. The creationofkindergarten environment should take the perspective of children as the startingpoint to make the kindergarten environment return and restore children's real life. Therefore, this paper takes the environment creation of experimental kindergarten affiliated to China Women's University as an example to explain the nature, path and value orientation of kindergarten environment creation from the perspective of children. Based on the successful experience of kindergarten environment creation in this case, this paper puts forward the strategies and thinking of kindergarten environment creation from the perspective of children, hoping that this research can be helpful to the practical exploration and theoretical research of kindergarten environment creation at present. 关键词院儿童视角;幼儿园环境;幼儿园环创 Keywords院children'sperspective;kindergarten environment;kindergarten environmental innovation DOI院10.36012/sde.v2i5.2120 揖作者简介铱胡华(1964~),女,汉,山东济南人,副教授,中国家庭教育学会理事。 91 中年视角、少年视角等。将“儿童视角”概念引入教育领域的是 英国牛津大学资深学前教育专家凯茜.席尔瓦教授,他将儿童 视角划分为两种,即“Child perspectives”和“Children’s perspectives”,前者的主体是作为成人的教育者能够在教育实 践中主动自觉地关注儿童、理解儿童,能站在儿童的立场上, 设身处地地感儿童之所感;而后者的主体则是作为有独立人 格的儿童。儿童有自己的感受、体验以及观察周围世界的角度 和立场。相比而言,前者表征的是教育者“自外而内”地探寻和 理解儿童内在体验的自觉意识。后者表征的是儿童自己“由内 而外”地认识和体验外部世界的主观能动性。
Environmental Science,Education
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