Optimization of the Ethno-Cultural Environment in the System of Preschool Educational Institutions
Zarina Kh. Dzanaity
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29025/1994-7720-2024-2-57-63
Abstract:In conditions of increasing negative impacts of gender, migration, urban, mondialist processes on the structure and content of the ethno-cultural field of personal growth of preschool children, active penetration into social and family life of electronic media and communication, the Internet, the task of forming an appropriate ethno-cultural environment is actualized. The content of the ethno-cultural environment in the context of the transformation of modern preschool education is changing. The threat of the transition of ethnic communities into a state of “palimpsest”, leading to their departure from the historical arena, when only written monuments and oral memories remain of them, has by no means lost its relevance today. Therefore, the ethno-cultural environment, its expansion and complication becomes the dominant factor preceding the development of organizational, methodological, didactic measures to strengthen the ethno-cultural component in a preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as the DOE) and achieving a new quality of ethno-cultural competence of children. The theoretical, methodological, scientific and practical significance of an early solution to the problem of strengthening the ethno-cultural component in the system of preschool pedagogy is actualized in relation to small social communities, which today are experiencing serious difficulties in preserving their ethno-national identity. This negative process is most clearly manifested in the level of ownership of children by their mother (native) language, understanding of the semantic load of rites and rituals that form the basis of the traditional culture of the people. The study conducted by the author indicates a weakening of the ethno-cultural component, a decrease in the level of national consciousness among preschoolers. The author postulates the ethno-cultural environment as a “comfortable territory of childhood” and gives an interpretation of this definition. Since ethno-cultural education and education in general acts as a kind of basis for preschool education, the formation of it is most clearly manifested in the level of ownership of children by their maternal (native) language, understanding of the semantic load of rites and rituals that form the basis of the traditional culture of the people. The study conducted by the author indicates a weakening of the ethno-cultural component, a decrease in the level of national consciousness among preschoolers. The author postulates the ethno-cultural environment as a “comfortable territory of childhood” and gives an interpretation of this definition. Since ethno-cultural education and education as a whole acts as a kind of basis for preschool education, the formation of an ethno-cultural environment becomes an effective condition that contributes both to strengthening interethnic, intercultural dialogue and preventing conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds.