An analogue of the Rademacher function for generalized Dedekind sums in higher dimension
Hi-Joon Chae,Byungheup Jun,Jungyun Lee
Abstract:We consider generalized Dedekind sums in dimension $n$, for fixed $n$-tuple of natural numbers, defined as sum of products of values of periodic Bernoulli functions. This includes the higher dimensional Dedekind sums of Zagier and Apostol-Carlitz' generalized Dedekind sums as well as the original Dedekind sums. These are realized as coefficients of Todd series of lattice cones and satisfy reciprocity law from the cocycle property of Todd series. Using iterated residue formula, we compute the coefficient of the decomposition of of the Todd series corresponding to a nonsingular decomposition of the lattice cone defining the Dedekind sums. We associate a Laurent polynomial which is added to generalized Dedekind sums of fixed index to make their denominators bounded. We give explicitly the denominator in terms of Bernoulli numbers. This generalizes the role played by the rational function given by the difference of the Rademacher function and the classical Dedekind sums. We associate an exponential sum to the generalized Dedekind sums using the integrality of the generalized Rademacher function. We show that this exponential sum has a nontrivial bound that is sufficient to fulfill Weyl's equidistribution criterion and thus the fractional part of the generalized Dedekind sums are equidistributed. As an example, for a 3 dimensional case and Zagier's higher dimensional generalization of Dedekind sums, we compute the Laurent polynomials associated.
Number Theory,Combinatorics,Dynamical Systems