A Study of the Orientation and Energy Partition of Three-Jet Events in Hadronic Z0 Decays
K Abe,I Abt,T Akagi,NJ Allen,WW Ash,D Aston,KG Baird,C Baltay,HR Band,MB Barakat,G Baranko,O Bardon,T Barklow,GL Bashindzhagyan,AO Bazarko,R BenDavid,AC Benvenuti,GM Bilei,D Bisello,G Blaylock,JR Bogart,T Bolton,GR Bower,JE Brau,M Breidenbach,WM Bugg,D Burke,TH Burnett,PN Burrows,W Busza,A Calcaterra,DO Caldwell,D Calloway,B Camanzi,M Carpinelli,R Cassell,R Castaldi,A Castro,M CavalliSforza,A Chou,E Church,HO Cohn,JA Coller,V Cook,R Cotton,RF Cowan,DG Coyne,G Crawford,A DOliveira,CJS Damerell,M Daoudi,R DeSangro,P DeSimone,R DellOrso,PJ Dervan,M Dima,DN Dong,PYC Du,R Dubois,BI Eisenstein,R Elia,E Etzion,D Falciai,C Fan,MJ Fero,R Frey,K Furuno,T Gillman,G Gladding,S Gonzalez,GD Hallewell,EL Hart,A Hasan,Y Hasegawa,K Hasuko,S Hedges,SS Hertzbach,MD Hildreth,J Huber,ME Huffer,EW Hughes,H Hwang,Y Iwasaki,DJ Jackson,P Jacques,J Jaros,AS Johnson,JR Johnson,RA Johnson,T Junk,R Kajikawa,M Kalelkar,HJ Kang,I Karliner,H Kawahara,HW Kendall,Y Kim,ME King,R King,RR Kofler,NM Krishna,RS Kroeger,JF Labs,M Langston,A Lath,JA Lauber,DWGS Leith,V Lia,MX Liu,X Liu,M Loreti,A Lu,HL Lynch,J Ma,G Mancinelli,S Manly,G Mantovani,TW Markiewicz,T Maruyama,R Massetti,H Masuda,E Mazzucato,AK McKemey,BT Meadows,R Messner,PM Mockett,KC Moffeit,B Mours,D Muller,T Nagamine,S Narita,U Nauenberg,H Neal,M Nussbaum,Y Ohnishi,LS Osborne,RS Panvini,H Park,TJ Pavel,I Peruzzi,M Piccolo,L Piemontese,E Pieroni,KT Pitts,RJ Plano,R Prepost,CY Prescott,GD Punkar,J Quigley,BN Ratcliff,TW Reeves,J Reidy,PE Rensing,TG Rizzo,LS Rochester,PC Rowson,JJ Russell,OH Saxton,T Schalk,RH Schindler,BA Schumm,S Sen,VV Serbo,MH Shaevitz,JT Shank,G Shapiro,DJ Sherden,KD Shmakov,C Simopoulos,NB Sinev,SR Smith,JA Snyder,P Stamer,H Steiner,R Steiner,MG Strauss,D Su,F Suekane,A Sugiyama,S Suzuki,M Swartz,A Szumilo,T Takahashi,FE Taylor,E Torrence,AI Trandafir,JD Turk,T Usher,J Vavra,C Vannini,E Vella,JP Venuti,R Verdier,PG Verdini,SR Wagner,AP Waite,SJ Watts,AW Weidemann,ER Weiss,JS Whitaker,SL White,FJ Wickens,DA Williams,DC Williams,SH Williams,S Willocq,RJ Wilson,WJ Wisniewski,M Woods,GB Wold,J Wyss,RK Yamamoto,JM Yamartino,X Yang,SJ Yellin,CC Young,H Yuta,G Zapalac,RW Zdarko,C Zeitlin,J Zhou
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.55.2533
Abstract:We have measured the distributions of the jet energies in e+e− → qqg events, and of the three orientation angles of the event plane, using hadronic Z0 decays collected in the SLD experiment at SLAC. We find that the data are well described by perturbative QCD incorporating vector gluons. We have also compared our data with models of scalar and tensor gluon production, and discuss limits on the relative contributions of these particles to three-jet production in e+e− annihilation.