Restrict Edge-Connectivity of Circular Graphs
Xiangjuan Yao,Dunwei Gong
Abstract:An edge cut X of G is restrict if G − X is disconnected and has no trivial component. The minimum k such that G has a restrict k-edge cut is called the restrict edge-connectivity of G. Let n and i1,i2, ··· ,ik are positive integers such that n>i 1 >i 2 > ··· >i k. A circular graph G = C(n;i1,i2, ··· ,ik) of order n is one graph spanned by a n-cycle Cn =( 0,1, ··· ,n,1) together with the chords (i,j) ∈ E if and only if i+ ik ≡ j(mod n). The cycle Cn is the principal cycle of C(n;i1,i2, ··· ,ik). In this paper, we prove that the restrict edge connectivity of C(n,n/2,k) is 8.