Large Memristor Crossbars for Analog Computing
Can Li,Yunning Li,Hao Jiang,Wenhao Song,Peng Lin,Zhongrui Wang,J. Joshua Yang,Qiangfei Xia,Miao Hu,Eric Montgomery,Jiaming Zhang,Noraica Davila,Catherine E. Graves,Zhiyong Li,John Paul Strachan,R. Stanley Williams,Ning Ge,Mark Barnell,Qing Wu
Abstract:Memristor with tunable non-volatile resistance offers in-memory computing capability that avoids the von-Neumann bottleneck. However, large-scale experimental demonstration to this end is yet to be implemented due to the immaturity of the device and integration technologies. Here in this paper we report our recent process in analog computing using analog-voltage-amplitude-vector input and analog-memristor-conductance matrix, with applications in signal and image processing. The vector matrix multiplication is processed in the memristor crossbars in one step, with 5-8 bit precision depending on the array size. The demonstration is made possible by high memristor yield (99.8%), stable multilevel memresistance states, linear current-voltage (IV) relation in the operation range, and low wire resistance between the cells.