Effectof Tracetio Nthe Microstructure and Mechanicalp Ropertie Sof AM50alloy

Q. D. Wang,Jinbao Lin,Wenjiang Ding
Abstract:The effectof traceaddi tions(0–0.1 wt.%) of titaniumo n the microstructure,mec hanicalp ropertie sand creep resistanceo fanAM 50allo yhavebeen studied. The microstructurewasexami ned using opticalm icroscopyand scanning electron microscopy.Results showed thatt he microstructuresof AM50alloyw ereo bviouslyr efined byt rac eTiaddition,a lthough the actualconten tof Tiwasonl yabout 0.002 5– 0.0079wt.%. The refining ability of titaniumwas ascribed toi ts large growthrestrictio n factor,a nd itcanbe described asac onstitutionalundercoolin g driven mechanism. As-cast samplesw eresubje cted totensil etests atr oom temperature,150 8 Ca nd 200 8 C.Ac onsiderable increasei n tensil ep ropertie sw asobserved duetog rain refinement, especiall yt he ultimatetensile strengthand elongation. In addition,the creep resistanceo fAM50alloyw asdramaticallyincreased byTiaddi tion.
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