Measurement of Drell-Yan Electron and Muon Pair Differential Cross Sections Inp¯pcollisions Ats

F. Abe,M. G. Albrow,D. Amidei,C. Anway-Wiese,G. Apollinari,M. Ataç,P. Auchincloss,Patrizia Azzi,N. Bacchetta,A. Baden,W. Badgett,M. W. Bailey,A. Bamberger,P. de Barbaro,A. Barbaro-Galtieri,Virgil E Barnes,B. A. Barnett,G. Bauer,Thomas Baumann,F. Bedeschi,S. Behrends,Stefano Belforte,G. Bellettini,J. Bellinger,D. Benjamin,J. Benlloch,Jim Bensinger,A. Beretvas,J. P. Berge,S. Bertolucci,K. Biery,S. Bhadra,M. Binkley,D. Bisello,R. E. Blair,C. Blocker,K. Bloom,A. Bodek,V. Bolognesi,A. W. Booth,C. Boswell,G. Brandenburg,D. Brown,E. Buckley‐Geer,H. S. Budd,G. Busetto,A. Byon-Wagner,K. L. Byrum,C. Campagnari,M. Campbell,A. Caner,Robert M. Carey,W. Carithers,D. Carlsmith,J. T. Carroll,R.J. Cashmore,Andrew John Castro,Y. Cen,F. Cervelli,K. Chadwick,J. Chapman,G. Chiarelli,W. Chinowsky,S. Cihangir,A. Clark,M. Cobal,D. Connor,M. Contreras,J. Cooper,M. Cordelli,D. Crane,J. D. Cunningham,C. Day,F. DeJongh,S. Dell’Agnello,M. Dell’Orso,L. Demortier,B. Denby,P. F. Derwent,T. Devlin,D. DiBitonto,M. Dickson,R. B. Drucker,A. Dunn,K. Einsweiler,J. E. Elias,R. Ely,Sarah Catherine Eno,S. Errede,A. Etchegoyen,B. Farhat,M. Frautschi,G. J. Feldman,B. Flaugher,G. W. Foster,M. Franklin,J. Freeman,H. Frisch,T. A. Fuess,Y. Fukui,A. F. Garfinkel,A. Gauthier,S. Geer,D. W. Gerdes,P. Giannetti,N. Giokaris,P. Giromini,L. Gladney,M. Gold,J. Suarez Gonzalez,K. Goulianos,H. Grassmann,Giovanni Grieco,R. Grindley,C. Grosso-Pilcher,C. Haber,S. R. Hahn,R. Handler,K. Hara,B. Harral,R. M. Harris,S. A. Hauger,Jay Hauser,C. Hawk,T.L. Hessing,R. Hollebeek,L. Holloway,A. Hölscher,S. J. Hong,G. Houk,P. Hu,B. Hubbard,B. T. Huffman,R. E. Hughes,P. Hurst,J. Huth,J. Hylen,M. Incagli,T. Ino,H. Iso,H. Jensen,C. P. Jessop,R. P. Johnson,Umesh Joshi,R. W. Kadel,T. Kamon,S. Kanda,D. A. Kardelis,I. Karliner,E. Kearns,L. Keeble,R. Kephart,P. Kesten,R. M. Keup,H. Keutelian,D. Kim,S. B. Kim,S. H. Kim,Y. K. Kim,L. Kirsch,K. Kondo,J. Konigsberg,K. Kordas,E. Kovacs,M. Krasberg,S. Kuhlmann,E. Kuns,A. T. Laasanen,Stephan Lammel,J. I. Lamoureux,S. Leone,J. D. Lewis,W. Li,P. Limon,M. Lindgren,T. M. Liss,N. Lockyer,M. Loreti,E. H. Low,D. Lucchesi,C. B. Luchini,P. Lukens,P. Maas,Kaori Maeshima,M. Mangano,J. P. Marriner,M. Mariotti,R. Markeloff,L. A. Markosky,J. A. J. Matthews,R. Mattingly,P. McIntyre,A. Menzione,E. Meschi,T. Meyer,S. Mikamo,Michael L. Miller,T. Mimashi,S. Miscetti,M. Mishina,S. Miyashita,Y. Morita,S. Moulding,J. Mueller,A. Mukherjee,Th. Müller,L. F. Nakae,I. Nakano,Charles A. Nelson,D. Neuberger,C. Newman-Holmes,J. S. T. Ng,M. Ninomiya,L. Nodulman,S. Ogawa,R. Paoletti,V. Papadimitriou,A. Para,E. Paré,S. Park,J. Patrick,G. Pauletta,L. Pescara,T. J. Phillips,Antonio Piacentino,R. Plunkett,L. Pondrom,J. Proudfoot,F. Ptohos,G. Punzi,D. R. Quarrie,K. Ragan,George Redlinger,J. Rhoades,M. Roach,F. Rimondi,Luciano Ristori,W. J. Robertson,T. Rodrigo,T. Rohaly,A. Roodman,W. K. Sakumoto,A. Sansoni,R. D. Sard,Aurore Savoy-Navarro,V. Scarpine,P. Schlabach,E. Schmidt,O. Schneider,M. H. Schub,R. F. Schwitters,G. Sciacca,A. Scribano,S. Segler,S. Seidel,Y. Seiya,G. Sganos,Marjorie Shapiro,N. M. Shaw,M. Sheaff,M. Shochet,J. Siegrist,A. Sill,P. Sinervo,J. Skarha,K. Sliwa,D. A. Smith,F. D. Snider,L. Song,T. Song,M. Spahn,Paraskevas Sphicas,A. Spies,R. St. Denis,L. Stančo,A. Stefanini,G. W. Sullivan,K. Sumorok,R. L. Swartz,Mikio Takano,K. Takikawa,S. Tarem,G. F. Tartarelli,S. Tether,D. Theriot,M. Timko,P. Tipton,Slawek Tkaczyk,A. Tollestrup,J. Tonnison,W. Trischuk,Y. Tsay,J. Tseng,N. Turini,F. Ukegawa,D. G. Underwood,S. Vejcik,R. Vidal,R. G. Wagner,R. L. Wagner,N. Wainer,R. Walker,J. Walsh,A. Warburton,G. Watts,T. Watts,R. Webb,C. Wendt,H. Wenzel,W. C. Wester,T. Westhusing,S. White,A. B. Wicklund,E. Wicklund,H. H. Williams,B. L. Winer,J. Wolinski,D. Y. Wu,X. Wu,J. Wyss,Avraham Yagil,K. Yasuoka,Y. Ye,G. P. Yeh,J. Yoh,Masaru Yokoyama,J. C. Yun,A. Zanetti,F. Zetti,S. Zhang,W. Zhang,S. Zucchelli
Abstract:We measure the Drell-Yan differential cross section $\frac{{d}^{2}\ensuremath{\sigma}}{\mathrm{dM}}{dy|}_{|y|<1}$ over the mass range $11<M<150$ GeV/${\mathit{c}}^{2}$ using dielectron and dimuon data from $\overline{p}p$ collisions at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=1.8$ TeV. Our results show the $\frac{1}{{M}^{3}}$ dependence that is expected from the naive Drell-Yan model. In comparison to the predictions of recent QCD calculations we find our data favor those parton distribution functions with the largest quark contributions in the $x$ interval 0.006 to 0.03.
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