Numerical Andexperimental StudyonSolder Joint Self-Alignment Behavior Foroptical Fiber Attachment Assembly
Chunqing Wang,Yanhong Tian
Abstract:Theself-alignment motion ofoptical fiber iscritical tothe low-cost andhigh-precision direct-coupling technology in optoelectronic packaging. First, themathematical modelhas beencreated based ontheminimumsurface energy principle ofsolder joint system. Then,theinfluences ofmaterial and solder joint design parameter ontherestoring torque have beeninvestigated. Furthermore, basedontheself-alignment mechanism analysis ofsolder joint thebrass wireandsolder paste hasbeenusedtoexamine theself-alignment behavior. Theresults showthat solder joint withellipse padsubstrate demonstrates smaller alignment errorthanthosewith diamond orsquare padsubstrate. 1Introduction Theapproach tooptical fiber attachment canhaveagreat influence onthepackaging costoffiber-optic components as wellasthecostofmanufacturing capital equipment, the performance ofdevices, andtheassembly yield. Laser welding isoneofprimary option forfiber attachment inan accurate, cleanandrepeatable way.However,suchan assembly istime-consuming andexpensive inmaterial costs andcapital equipment. [1]As a result, fluxless soldering technique isreceiving increasing attention forfiber attachment application. Inthis process, eutectic solder isoften usedtofixthefiber totheetched V-groove ormetallized high accurate substrate pad. Itoffers thebenefits oflaser welding without longcycle time, out-gassing, andlong-term reliability issues associated withadhesive bonding. Moreover, passive alignment canberealized. Thepresent workadopts high accurate diebonder methodforfiber attachment soldering. Compared withthefiber toetched V-groove method, itis simpler inprocess. And also, ithastheself-alignment property duetothesurface tension ofmolten solder. Thusitis a lowcost, highyield andcleanmethodforfiber-optic components packaging. Manyresearchers [2-4] havebeendeveloping modeling toolsto understand theself-alignment mechanism in electronic/optoelectronic packaging. Y.C.Leeetal. found the relations between design parameters ofsolder joint and restoring force inflip chipapplications. [2]RaczandSzekely usedSurface Evolver todesign thesolder joints forsurface mounttechnology. [3]R.Chenwentfurther creating a mathematical modeloftheself-alignment mechanism and discovering a new relationship betweenmoltensolder restoring force andmisalignment. [4]Someresearchers [5-6] havedoneexperiments tounderstand theself-alignment mechanism. T.Hayashi foundthatthefinal alignment accuracy wasrelated tothesolder joint design parameters suchaspadsize, joint height, andsolder volumeapplied. [5] K.Satoexamined effects ofboundary pattern change between different wettability areas onthealignment accuracy. [6]The results showthatthemicropart withhexagonal boundary pattern hasbetter performance thantheother microparts. So far, themodeling ofsolder joint geometry ismostly forthe flip chipapplication. Asforfiber attachment soldering, the modelisasymmetric, sothesolder canencircle thefiber or spread thefiber partially whichdepends onthepadsize and soldervolumeapplied. And also,theself-alignment mechanism ofthis particular solder joint isnotveryclear especially whenthere isayawmisalignment. Inthis paper, themechanism ofself-alignment foroptical fiberto substrate padisexaminednumerically and experimentally. First, a mathematical modeloftheselfalignment mechanism hasbeenstructured tohandle thecase ofyawmisalignment offiber. Next, theimpact ofdesign and material physical parameters suchaspadshape, solder volume, andsurface tension ofsolder ontheself-alignment mechanism hasbeenanalyzed. Then,thebrass wireand solder paste hasbeenusedtoexamine theself-alignment behavior.