Analysis of the Dynamics of the Highest World Results in Horizontal Athletics Jumps
A.S. Sidorenko
Physical Culture Sport Tourism Motor Recreation
Abstract:For the development any kind of sport within the country, improving the methodology of the training process, optimizing the preparation of the sports reserve, predicting the success of the performance of domestic athletes in the international competitions, it is necessary to understand the trends in the development of this sport in the world, relying, among other things, on the results of top athletes. Athletics, historically one of the most popular and successful domestic sports in the world, in which our athletes have most dominated in the jumping disciplines over the past half century, in this aspect is of interest for research. The purpose and objectives of the study are to analyze the dynamics of changes in the results of the winners and fi nalists of the Olympic Games and the World Championships in the athletics horizontal jumps in the period from 1896 to 2022 years. Materials and methods of research are in review of IAAF statistical reports for the pe-riod from 1896 to 2022 years, analysis of the dynamics of changes in the results of the winners and fi nalists in each type of horizontal jumps for men and women during the this period, their comparison with the values of world records and the level of currently demonstrated results. Results and their discussion. The dynamics of the results of the winners of the Olympic Games and the World Cup in horizontal jumps for both men and women for the period 1896–2022 years has a similar appearance, which can be divided into 4 periods. The period from the end of the XIX century to the 70s of the XX century is characterized by an almost annual increase in results, in some types with a large increase in absolute values. From the late 70s to the mid-90s of the XX century, there has been a relative stabilization of results with the achievement of the absolute highest achievements established in the period from 1988 to 1995 years. From the mid-90s of the XX cen-tury to the early 20s of the XXI century, there is a decrease in the results of the winners relative to the highest results by an average of 4.4 %. In 2021–22, 2 world records were set in the women’s triple jump. Conclusions. The highest results in horizontal track and fi eld jumps achieved in the period 1988–95 years can be logically explained on the one hand by the powerful scientifi c base accumulated by that time, the fi nally formed jumping technique, the improvement of training methods, on the other hand insuffi ciently strict anti-doping rules and restrictions. One of the reasons for the sharp decline in the results of the leading jumpers at the end of the 90s can be attributed to the termination of the work of the two leadingathletics schools of the USSR and the GDR. Taking into account the magnitude of the results and their dynamics among the winners and fi nalists in the horizontal jump over the past decade, it can be predicted that the probability of improving the highest world achievements in the near future in the triple jump is estimated to be much higher than in the long jump.