A Review on Heat Transfer and Energy Conversion in the Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Water/co2as Working Fluid

Ruina Xu,Le Zhang,Fuzhen Zhang,Pei-Xue Jiang
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/er.3352
IF: 4.6
International Journal of Energy Research
Abstract:International Journal of Energy ResearchVolume 39, Issue 13 p. 1722-1741 Special Issue on Global Warming and Energetic Solutions A review on heat transfer and energy conversion in the enhanced geothermal systems with water/CO2 as working fluid Ruina Xu, Ruina Xu Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorLe Zhang, Le Zhang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorFuzhen Zhang, Fuzhen Zhang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorPeixue Jiang, Corresponding Author Peixue Jiang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 China Correspondence: Peixue Jiang, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author Ruina Xu, Ruina Xu Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorLe Zhang, Le Zhang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorFuzhen Zhang, Fuzhen Zhang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 ChinaSearch for more papers by this authorPeixue Jiang, Corresponding Author Peixue Jiang Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 100084 China Correspondence: Peixue Jiang, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: [email protected]Search for more papers by this author First published: 14 July 2015 https://doi.org/10.1002/er.3352Citations: 40Read the full textAboutPDF ToolsRequest permissionExport citationAdd to favoritesTrack citation ShareShare Give accessShare full text accessShare full-text accessPlease review our Terms and Conditions of Use and check box below to share full-text version of article.I have read and accept the Wiley Online Library Terms and Conditions of UseShareable LinkUse the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Learn more.Copy URL Share a linkShare onEmailFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditWechat Summary Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) technology is regarded as the future of geothermal energy and could become a major energy source in the future. However, EGS technology is not well developed. The challenges of EGS technology development, such as the small heat-recovery factors and water limitations, need to be addressed. A comprehensive understanding of heat transfer in the complex subsurface structures is crucial for energy management in the reservoir, and an accurate heat transfer model of the reservoir is a key tool to optimize heat extraction to improve the heat-recovery factor. The use of CO2 as the EGS working fluid is regarded as an emerging technology to address water limitations. The analytical solutions, lab-scale experiments, field-scale modeling methods of water/CO2 fluid flow and heat transfer in the reservoir, and a thermodynamic analysis of the energy conversion system at the surface are reviewed in this paper. Based on the existing literature, future research should focus on improving our knowledge and optimizing the heat transfer performance in the reservoir. Moreover, the emerging design of a heat exchange network in the reservoir and CO2-EGS could result from technology development. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. References 1Tester JW, Anderson BJ, Batchelor AS, Blackwell DD, DiPippo R, Drake EM, Garnish J, Livesay B, Moore MC, Nichols K, Petty S, Toksoz MN, Veatch RWJr. The future of geothermal energy: impact of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) on the United States in the 21st century. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, DOE Contract DE-AC07-05ID14517 Final Report 2006. 2Goldstein B, Hiriart G, Bertani R, Bromley C, Gutiérrez-Negrín L, Huenges E, Muraoka H, Ragnarsson A, Tester J, Zui V. Geothermal energy. In IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation 2011. [ O Edenhofer, R Pichs-Madruga, Y Sokona, K Seyboth, P Matschoss, S Kadner, T Zwickel, P Eickemeier, G Hansen, S Schlömer, C Stechow. 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