Study on Measuring Ofgenderequity: A SurveyBasedon FamilyPlanning Services Atchina's County-lever

Ying Zhang,Qunlin Zhang,Xueyan Yang
Abstract:Thestandpoint ofthis paperlies inthe study offamily planning services atChina's county-level. Thehurdles that existed inmainstreaming gender equity inthefamily planning institutions indicate theneeds for setting upa setofindicator system tomeasuring the gender equity. Forthispurpose, a literature review, experts' consultation, andfield researches havebeen carried outtopropose anoperational conception ofthe gender equity infamily planning/reproductive health services andtoexplore thedimensions ofmeasuring the gender equity. Onthebasis ofthese work, amodelto measure thedimensions ofgender equity infamily planning/reproductive health areproposed. Theanalysis ofresults indicates that theanalytic modelofevaluating systemhasthree-degree, four-dimension with16 indicators.
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