Selection of a Model of Cerebral Activity for fMRI Group Data Analysis
Merlin Keller,Alexis Roche,Marc Lavielle
Abstract:This thesis is dedicated to the statistical analysis of multi-sub ject fMRI data, with the purpose of identifying bain structures involved in certain cognitive or sensori-motor tasks, in a reproducible way across sub jects. To overcome certain limitations of standard voxel-based testing methods, as implemented in the Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software, we introduce a Bayesian model selection approach to this problem, meaning that the most probable model of cerebral activity given the data is selected from a pre-defined collection of possible models. Based on a parcellation of the brain volume into functionally homogeneous regions, each model corresponds to a partition of the regions into those involved in the task under study and those inactive. This allows to incorporate prior information, and avoids the dependence of the SPM-like approach on an arbitrary threshold, called the cluster- forming threshold, to define active regions. By controlling a Bayesian risk, our approach balances false positive and false negative risk control. Furthermore, it is based on a generative model that accounts for the spatial uncertainty on the localization of individual effects, due to spatial normalization errors. On both simulated and real fMRI datasets, we show that this new paradigm corrects several biases of the SPM-like approach, which either swells or misses the different active regions, depending on the choice of a cluster-forming threshold.