Universitaire En Economische Pieken (mountains and Valleys in University and Economics Research in the Netherlands)

Wilfred Dolfsma,Loet Leydesdorff
Abstract:Dutch Abstract: Nederlands onderzoek scoort hoog in de top-10% van meest geciteerde publicaties (Leydesdorff, Wagner en Bornmann, 2014). De Leidse Rankings van het Centrum voor Wetenschap en Technologiestudies (CWTS) stellen ons in staat dit per universiteit te beoordelen. Er bestaan statistisch significante verschillen tussen de Nederlandse universiteiten, maar niet tussen de economische instituten. De ranking op basis van de top-10% is negatief gecorreleerd aan die van de Institutentop van ESB. English Abstract: Scientific publications with a Dutch address are represented above expectation in the top-10% most cited publications worldwide (Leydesdorff, Wagner, & Bornmann, 2014). The Leiden Rankings enable us to test statistically (a) whether a score is significantly above expectations and (b) whether differences among nations, universities, faculties, etc., are statistically significant. Using universities, a division between the universities in the western part of the Netherlands (“Randstad”) and the more peripheral universities (e.g., Groningen) is indicated. When focusing on the economic faculties and institutes, however, this division is not found: smaller units seem to outperform the large faculties. Our ranking based on the top-10% most cited publications correlates negatively with the yearly one of ESB based on “article influence scores.” Rankings thus are highly sensitive for parameter choices.
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