Harmony between Nature and Humanity and Internal Transcendence
Li Ju Xing,Feng Lu
Abstract:Both Qian Mu and Ji Xianlin assert that the notion of "harmony between nature and humanity" (tian ren he yi) is the most important contribution to human kind given by Chinese culture. Harmony between nature and humanity is the ultimate concern of Chinese, the fullest self actualization of a person, the best state of human being, and a kind of civilization obeying natural laws (Tianming). There are two ways for human being to improve his living: internal transcendence and external transcendence. Internal transcendence means to improve or promote oneself, and external transcendence is to change the world. The intimate relationship between tian ren he yi and internal transcendence can be interpreted as "exploring truth and developing one good potentials according to orders from Nature ". Chinese civilization can be both great and sustainable, mainly because it encourages people's internal transcendence, and encourages people try their best to live peacefully with nature. Modern industrial civilization has been leading to global pollution, ecological damage and climate change, just because its guidance modernity presupposes the dichotomy between subject and object, and that between fact and value, and it asserts that human values have nothing to do with nature. Modern industrial civilization is unsustainable because it just encourages human beings' external transcendence, and human's external transcendence is shown as conquering nature and material greed. To get out of the deep crisis of modern industrial civilization, human beings have to regain the wisdom of tian ren he yi, and to realize the importance of internal transcendence.