An Experimental Study of Higher-Order Modes Excited by High Repetition Rate Electron Beam in an SRF Cavity
Yong‐Feng Gao,Jiaer Chen,Liwen Feng,Jiankui Hao,Senlin Huang,Lin,Kexin Liu,Xing Luo,Shengwen Quan,Fang Wang,Zhijin Wang
Abstract:Higher-order modes (HOMs) excited by electron beam traversing a superconducting rf (SRF) cavity contain lots of information and can be used for intra-cavity electron beam diagnostics. Unlike single bunch, multiple bunches would excite HOMs with a much complicated spectrum. In this paper, we present our recent research on HOMs excited by a high repetition rate electron beam in an SRF cavity. Especially, we focus on the integer multiple frequency peaks in the HOM spectrum, which are determined by the nearest eigen HOM peaks. The experiments were carried out on the DC-SRF photoinjector, which was operated at MHz repetition rate. The results agree well with theoretic analysis.