Berichtigung: Radical 1,4/5‐amino Shift Enables Access to Fluoroalkyl‐Containing Primary Β(γ)‐aminoketones under Metal‐Free Conditions

Dian Wei,Tuming Liu,Yiheng He,Bang‐Yi Wei,Jiahao Pan,Jianwu Zhang,Ning Jiao,Bing Han
Angewandte Chemie
Abstract:The authors wish to correct three product structures in their Communication. The three structures (2ag–2ai) in Table 2, which were originally identified as γ-aminoketone hydrochlorides, are actually their intramolecular dehydrated condensation derivative hydrochlorides. The original structures and the corrected structures are shown below. The reaction of ketoxime ethers 1ag–1ai first delivered linear γ-aminoketone hydrochlorides (the original structures), which can spontaneously undergo condensation to form cyclic imine hydrochlorides. The obtained products 2ag–2ai were initially characterized as γ-aminoketone hydrochlorides on the basis of NMR spectra and HRMS data. However, single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of 2ah shows that it has the structure of a cyclic imine hydrochloride. There is an equilibrium between the linear γ-aminoketone hydrochloride and its dehydrated cyclic imine hydrochloride in solvent (D2O, DMSO-D6, and CD3OD), which tpredominantly favors dehydration. Although γ-aminoketone hydrochlorides can be detected by HRMS, only cyclic imine hydrochlorides were isolated in pure form. The related description “Significantly, this tactic was also feasible to 1,5-amino migration by employing ketoxime ethers 1ag–1ai and the desired trifluoromethyl substituted γ-aminoketones 2ag–2ai were successfully generated in moderate yields.” should be corrected to “Significantly, this tactic was also feasible to 1,5-amino migration by employing ketoxime ethers 1ag–1ai, and the desired trifluoromethyl substituted γ-aminoketones were successfully generated in moderate yields; the latter readily underwent intramolecular condensation to afford cyclic imine hydrochlorides 2ag–2ai.” HRMS data of 2ag–2ai in the form of dehydrated cyclic structures, X-ray diffraction structure of 2ah, and characterization data of the unhydrolyzed 1,5-amino migration products 2ag’–2ai’ have been updated in the Supporting Information provided with this Corrigendum. The authors apologize for the inconvenience caused by this mistake and underline that this Corrigendum has no impact on the conclusion of the article. As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer reviewed and may be re-organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset. Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.
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