Bridging the Divide Between Qualitative and Quantitative Science Studies
Loet Leydesdorff,Ismael Ràfols,Staša Milojević
Quantitative Science Studies
Abstract:In January 2019, the Editorial Board of the Journal of Informetrics decided to resign following a series of disagreements with Elsevier. In collaboration with the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI) and MIT Press, the Editorial Board thereupon launched this journal: Quantitative Science Studies (QSS). The launch of QSS offers an opportunity to rethink the contents and research agenda of the journal, and marks a turn from the focus on "metrics" to science studies. Such a shift, reflected also in the name change, indicates the intention to seek closer connections with colleagues in "qualitative science and technology studies" and take more distance from journals focusing on specialist "metrics" (Milojević & Leydesdorff, 2013).The goal of this special issue is to explore the relations among and promote conversations between quantitative science studies and neighboring fields. To this end, we invited a number of colleagues conducting research relevant to this theme to articulate the relations between their research and QSS, and to formulate challenges and research agendas for synergies between qualitative and quantitative approaches in the broad area of Science and Technology Studies (STS), science-policy analyses, innovation studies, the sociology of science, the science of science, and related domains. Their response generated 11 articles and one letter that provide a rich panorama of views and exciting ideas for building bridges and pursuing research agendas that have the potential to advance our knowledge about science, scientific knowledge production, and the scientific workforce, as well as to promote the responsible and sustainable usage of metrics for evaluation and policy.The idea of a main "divide" between qualitative and quantitative STS originated in relatively recent studies that examined the relationship between qualitative and quantitative STS empirically. Leydesdorff and Van den Besselaar (1997) argued on the basis of aggregated citation relations among journals that three main groups of journals can be distinguished: one more specifically qualitative oriented (e.g., Social Studies of Science), one specifically focusing on quantitative science studies (e.g., Scientometrics), and a third interfacing between quantitatively oriented journals and innovations studies (e.g., Research Policy). From the latter perspective, however, Martin, Nightingale, and Yegros-Yegros (2012, p. 1194) stated thatSTS today is a rather divided community, with quantitative scientometrics and qualitative STS researchers operating largely in isolation from one another, one or two individual exceptions notwithstanding. The qualitative side of STS continues to expand its work on technology (including constructive technology assessment) and innovation, with the original programme of work analysing the social influences on the content of science having diffused into the mainstream and now attracting less interest. At the same time, scientometric research has been moving beyond science into areas previously the domain of traditional sociology (such as innovation and the analysis of social networks within and between organisations), as well as forming links with information science (as reflected, for example, in the recent creation of the Journal of Informetrics).On the basis of studying 136 chapters in both quantitative and qualitative handbooks of science and technology studies, Milojević, Sugimoto, et al. (2014) concluded that "a great divide" has structured STS intellectually. However, these authors added that[o]ne of the interesting findings of this study is the identification of chapters of shared interest across the qualitative and quantitative divide and the nuanced differences when it comes to studying the topics covered in these chapters: technology, gender and policy.The discussion about a divide between qualitative and quantitative STS is by no means new to the field. In December 1987, for example, a workshop was organized by John Irvine, Anthony van Raan, and one of us (Leydesdorff) on "the relations between qualitative theory and scientometric methods in science and technology studies." This resulted in a special issue of Scientometrics in 1989 containing more than 300 pages (vol. 15, issues 5–6, pp. 333–631).At the workshop, John Irvine and Ben Martin (1989) contributed a paper entitled "International comparisons of scientific performance revisited," which offered new perspectives on the measurement of national research performance. Michel Callon and his coauthors (Françoise Bastide and Jean-Pierre Courtial) presented the co-word model (Bastide, Courtial, & Callon, 1989), and Anthony van Raan presented a paper (coauthored with Harry Peters) entitled "Dynamics of a scientific field analysed by co-subfield structures" (van Raan & Peters, 1989) These three programs were, among others, elaborated in the decades since. In the introduction to the special issue, Leydesdorff, Irvine, and Van Raan (1989, p. 333) formulated as follows:There is growing recognition of the need to integrate qualitative theorizing in the philosophy, sociology and history of science with the quantitative perspectives provided by scientometric studies. On the one hand, the use of scientometric indicators in policy analysis has stimulated debates on what exactly various indicators employed indicate, given the significant conceptual and technical problems that exist in measurement. On the other hand, the increased availability of large data-bases challenges researchers in the field of science and technology studies (S & TS) to test more rigorously their hypotheses concerning the various aspects of scientific and institutional developments.In a recent handbook of qualitative STS, Wyatt, Milojević, et al. (2017, p. 87) formulated the following evaluation of research efforts bridging the divide:Scientometrics and qualitative approaches within STS share a common origin, even if they have grown apart over the past decades in terms of research practices, norms and standards. Different skills are needed, and the epistemological assumptions are also different. However, both quantitative and qualitative STS have always shared a deep commitment to the empirical study of science and technology, and practitioners of both can be reflexive about their own knowledge production practices.In sum, although there is empirical evidence for a divide between qualitative and quantitative STS, one can also find efforts to bridge this gap over the past decades.Notwithstanding these common interests in bridging the divide, the tensions between qualitative and quantitative science studies have been constitutive of the field. In a review article entitled "Quantitative measures of communication in science: A critical overview," David Edge (1979, p. 114)—at the time the editor of Social Studies of Science—for example, criticized quantitative science studies in the following strong wording:One is tempted to say that formal communication in science is "the tip of the iceberg," were it not for two facts: (a) the "tip" is very large, extensive and important; and (b) there is every indication that the "tip" is radically different in kind from what is "below the waterline." (Perhaps "the soft underbelly of science" might be a more appropriate metaphor!)Edge's programmatic perspective of "following the actors" was committed to the "strong program" in the sociology of scientific knowledge (Bloor, 1976). In this sociology of scientific knowledge, it is claimed that the content of science can be explained in terms of sociocognitive interests. From this perspective, the sciences can be considered as belief structures attributed to communities. The evidence supporting the claim of truth in science is constructed (Fuller, 2018). These constructs can be deconstructed. However, an analyst cannot then escape from the reflexive conclusion that one's own knowledge claim is also constructed; all debates and arguments thus tend to become matters of interests and opinion (e.g., Woolgar, 1988).Unlike an anthropological focus on practices, the study of science as a publication structure allows for a more distanced approach. The dynamics of the literature are sometimes very different from that of science as a social process. It seems to us that this "double hermeneutics" in terms of formal and nonformal communications is unavoidable in science studies (Giddens, 1976) because of the dynamics of the literature enabling us to move back and forth between contexts of discovery and justification (e.g., Myers, 1985). The textual layer (the library, the archive, etc.) is structured with reference to disciplines that also operate as selection mechanisms. The practices generate variation and novelty, that is reflected in the texts (Callon, Law, & Rip, 1986; Callon, Courtial, et al., 1983), and the discursive layer has a dynamic of its own (Gilbert, 1977; Mulkay, Potter, & Yearley, 1983).The context of application in research evaluations, technology assessments, and science and technology (S&T) policy analyses has added a third "mode of knowledge production" to the field of STS during the last decades (Gibbons, Limoges, et al., 1994). Both qualitative and quantitative science studies have been challenged by priority programs such as the National Science Foundation's "Science of Science and Innovation Policies," now replaced by the program "Science of Science: Discovery, Communication, and Impact" (cf. Husband Fealing, Lane, Marburger III, & Shipp, 2011; Marburger III, 2005). The European Framework and Horizons Programs call on STS from the perspective of applications. Perhaps the pressure of funding agencies on this field has in the meantime become a unifying factor, because one often needs a variety of perspectives in studies with normative objectives and implications. However, these are empirical questions.While the differing contexts can be distinguished analytically, they are interacting in the practices which are under study when "following the actors." Pickering (1995), for example, proposed the metaphor of a "mangle of practice." In the so-called "sociology of translations," heterogeneous networks (representing people, texts, cognitions, funding, and subjects of study (e.g., scallops [Callon, 1986]) are analyzed in terms of translations from one co-word map into another (Callon et al., 1983). Such heterogeneity—including, for example, also "nonhumans"— provides resources for revisions and for changes.It seems to us that this focus on "heterogeneity" at both the substantive and methodological levels is not so different from Merton's (1948) call for middle-range theories and pluriformity. At the time, Merton (1948) made two points that are still relevant to the issue, as follows:1. "[…] as a matter of plain fact the theorist is not inevitably the lamp lighting the way to new observations. The sequence is often reversed. Nor is it enough to say that research and theory must be married if sociology is to bear legitimate fruit. They must not only exchange solemn vows—they must know how to carry on from there. Their reciprocal roles must be clearly defined." (p. 515)2. "What we have said does not mean that the piling up of statistics of itself advances theory; it does mean that theoretic interest tends to shift to those areas in which there is an abundance of pertinent statistical data." (pp. 512f.)We intend this issue as a contribution to the clarification and definition of the reciprocal roles of quantitative and qualitative STS by focusing on research at the edge between the two approaches.The contributions to this special issue have been grouped into four themes with three papers each: (a) describing and questioning the divide between quantitative and qualitative science studies, (b) the use of numbers in decision-making addressing the usage of quantitative results in the context of policy-making and research evaluations, (c) perspective and bridges showcasing three currently very active research topics that attract researchers and scholars from a wide range of science studies fields, and (d) future research programs laying out roadmaps for the types of questions and approaches that can move the field forward.The three contributions in the first section of this collection address the divide from social, textual, and epistemic perspectives, respectively. First, Geoff Bowker contributes a letter entitled "Numbers or no numbers in science studies." The author narrates his experiences with the chasm that opened between "quals" ("'ethnomonsters") and "quants" ("quantheads") as political battles over hiring decisions erupted between the two camps of a sociology department. During such episodes, the arguments of each side can be ignored by the other on the basis of legitimations other than scholarly ones. Bowker (2020) argues for the importance of recognizing the complementary strengths of different approaches and for avoiding falling into dogmatic controversies.The divide between qualitative and quantitative STS is empirically studied in a paper by Douglas Kang and James Evans entitled "Against method: Exploding the boundary between qualitative and quantitative studies of science." The authors compare publications in qualitative and quantitative sciences studies journals. The semantic analysis by Kang and Evans (2020) shows that qualitative and quantitative analyses build on opposite normative worlds: Whereas qualitative studies dwell on concepts such as "social," "theory," "political," and "context," quantitative analyses focus on "performance," "measure," and "results." The authors argue that these literatures have disparate interests (both cognitively and politically) and are written for different audiences. They envisage that the further development of computer technologies will ease the tensions.Whereas the two previous papers described a divide in qualitative and quantitative terms, respectively, Harriet Zuckerman closes this section with a paper entitled "Is 'the time ripe' for quantitative research on misconduct in science?," in which she analyzes the "why" of the problems involved in integrating the two perspectives. The argument runs as follows: If one relies on statistics for making a qualitative argument, one risks making claims on the basis of data that can be deconstructed from other perspectives. Official government statistics, for example, are organized for another objective. Using the case of misconduct in science, Zuckerman (2020) concludes that "a healthy dose of skepticism is in order in evaluating both the findings of current quantitative studies and of proposals for its remediation."As noted, a third context of applications has become constitutive of STS in terms of resources, relations with clients, and legitimation (Gibbons et al., 1994). STS develops its own discourse by analyzing among other things the discourses in the techno-sciences under study, and by "translating" both these discourses into political and managerial contexts, such as research evaluations, technology assessments, and public debate. The three articles in the second section explore the relationship between quantitative science studies and the use of numbers for decision-making in these other contexts, including relations with industry and governments.Quantification can be used and abused for justification in decision-making processes (Porter, 1996). The development of S&T indicators, however, has also led to controversies about their use. The feedback from policies and ideologies such as New Public Management have directly influenced research agendas in scientometrics through consultancies and funding sources. In their paper, entitled "The impact of J. D. Bernal's thoughts in the science of science upon China: Implications for today's quantitative studies of science," Yong Zhao, Jian Du, and Yishan Wu discuss the contribution of John Desmond Bernal (e.g., Bernal, 1939) to the "science of science" and the ideological role that quantitative studies of science has played first in the Soviet Union, but also to this day in China. While the use of indicators for policy purposes has been associated in the West with New Public Management and neoliberal policies (Burrows, 2012; Power, 2005), these indicators and a systems perspective were embraced by communist regimes, which at the time believed in the virtues of central planning. Zhao, Du, and Wu (2020) plead for a reflection on these alternative routes as a means to achieve a more harmonious integration between qualitative and quantitative STS in other countries. However, there has been much debate in recent years over the potentially problematic consequences of the use of S&T indicators (Barré, 2019; Weingart, 2005), particularly in evaluation studies (de Rijcke et al., 2016; DORA, 2015; Hicks, Wouters, et al., 2015).The two following contributions on the policy use of S&T indicators reflect on the conditions ofuse of indicators in the research system and emphasize the importance of appropriate understandings of theoretical framings and policy contexts for the successful use of S&T indicators. In their paper entitled "Powerful numbers: Exemplary quantitative studies of science that had policy impact," Diana Hicks and Kimberley Isett endorse the view that quantitative analysis may have a positive impact on policies as an evidence base, but they note that the evidence "only rarely has a notable policy impact." Hicks and Isett (2020) further explore the conditions that enable "numbers" to make a difference in decision-making. The study describes how the relevance, legitimacy, and accessibility of the studies are important in the translation of scientific results to generate policy impact—and how this "evidence" has both quantitative and qualitative components.Thomas Heinze and Arlette Jappe use the sociology of professions to compare the contrasting uses of bibliometrics in Dutch and Italian research evaluations.1 In this paper entitled "Quantitative science studies should be framed with middle-range theories and concepts from the social sciences," Heinze and Jappe (2020) argue that differences in institutionalization can explain the quality of the evaluations. In the Netherlands, for example, research evaluation is controlled by professional experts, whereas Italy has a centralized model co-opted by academic elites. The study is meant as an example of how quantitative science studies would benefit from framing "their data and analyses with middle-range sociological theories and concepts in order to advance our understanding of institutional configurations of national research systems."In the next section, we turn to research topics in science studies that have been addressed from more than a single perspective and thus offer opportunities for cross-fertilizations among discourses. As Kang and Evans have shown, some topics are best addressed either by qualitative approaches (e.g., more related to practices) or by quantitative approaches (e.g., more related to performance). As noted, Milojević et al. (2014) flagged programs and studies that were remarkably competent in crossing the divide for substantive and intellectual reasons. Data infrastructure, gender, and geography are analyzed here as examples of possible bridging functions between disciplinary traditions.The contribution by Christine Borgman entitled "Whose text, whose mining, and to whose benefit?" reminds us that the possibility of conducting quantitative science studies depends on data availability. The availability of data is mediated by infrastructure and a political economy that makes this possible. Borgman (2020) explains that while academic scholarship is becoming increasingly open to reading, it has not become more open to mining. This is problematic because "scholarly information retrieval has degraded, from customized discipline-specific tools to generic search engines" and, therefore, data mining is necessary for searching information. The issue links with "fake news" and "misconduct." Borgman argues that research outcomes should be made "open" to read and to mine—rather than having private companies controlling academic information. Current studies are often shaped by data availability, which, among other things, tends to marginalize regions and disciplines with fewer economic resources (Vessuri, Guédon, & Cetto, 2014).Mary Frank Fox's review (entitled "Gender, science, and academic rank: Key issues and approaches") discusses gender inequalities in science and shows that scholarship in this topic could benefit from different theoretical and methodological approaches. Fox aims to understand the lower and slower promotion of women to full professor by focusing on (a) patterns of collaboration and (b) evaluative practices. Fox (2020) draws on empirical insights from surveys (e.g., Fox & Mohapatra, 2007), interviews (e.g., Gaughan & Bozeman, 2016), and publication analysis (e.g., Macaluso, Larivière, et al., 2016), triangulating evidence in ways that make for robust scholarship.Koen Frenken's article entitled "Geography of scientific knowledge: A proximity approach" shows how a topic such as "the process of rendering knowledge claims scientific" can draw on and be enriched by combining insights from diverse disciplinary traditions. From economic geography, Frenken adopts the notion of proximity (Boschma, 2005), and situates his approach by building on the insights of STS and the sociology of scientific knowledge (Shapin, 1995). The author proposes a theoretical framework and various empirical avenues (open to both qualitative and quantitative inquiry) to study the diffusion of knowledge claims and the analysis of scientists' mobility. Frenken's focus enables him to move back and forth between diverse traditions without the readers even noticing this. Frenken (2020) thus provides a focus on the topic that successfully creates bridges beyond the conventional silos.The three papers in the last section of this issue make programmatic proposals. These papers, as well as Kang & Evans (above), propose agendas that seek to overcome the methodological dilemma of a choice between thick and situated versus thin and decontextualized approaches. As Alberto Cambrosio, Jean-Philippe Cointet, and Alexandre Hannud Abdo explain in their paper entitled "Beyond networks: Aligning qualitative and computational science studies":while thick descriptions of selected sites missed the configurational dimensions of the collectives, resort to a few quantitative indicators to account for configurational complexity destroyed for all practical purposes the very phenomena under investigation.According to these authors, the research agendas point in different directions. The differences suggest that methodological divergence is related to epistemological positions.Cambrosio, Cointet, and Abdo's interests lie in aligning quantitative empirical approaches with the theorical frameworks of science studies. They argue that methods such as Actor-Network Theory allow for cross-fertilizations between qualitative and quantitative approaches in STS. They vindicate the tradition of science mapping using co-words (Callon et al., 1983, 1986) with its emphasis on heterogeneous networks, as against the mainstream citation-based and "clean" (i.e., mono-thematic) ontologies dominant in scientometrics. The authors envisage how advanced network analysis tools and natural language processing allow for an engagement with sociological theories in STS, such as translation theory.The second article in this section is Henry Small's paper, entitled "Past as prologue: Approaches to the study of confirmation in science." Small (2020) is interested in methods for the confirmation of knowledge claims in the face of an "anti-science bias" in the sociology of science. He shares a personal and rich recollection of the collision between Mertonian and constructivist science studies during the 1970s and 1980s. The use of Bayesian statistics provides insights into the nature of support across a large part of the literature of knowledge claims. While Small's interest is about the "confirmation/disconfirmation" of facts, the method he proposes can also be used for mapping whether and how certain organizations or funding agencies support specific knowledge claims (Oreskes & Conway, 2011).In their paper entitled "From indicators to indicating interdisciplinarity: A participatory mapping methodology for research communities in-the-making," Noortje Marres and Sarah de Rijcke are interested in situating the insights of quantitative studies. Their point of departure is the search for indicators of interdisciplinarity in artificial intelligence (AI). Given the multiple interpretations of the notion of interdisciplinarity and the diverse understandings of AI, they propose to shift from indicators to indicating. In the journey to indicating, science mapping appears as a useful interface, allowing analysts and engaged stakeholders to align their methods with their interpretations of interdisciplinarity and AI. Marres and de Rijcke (2020) authors contribute to recent debates on the need to contextualize quantitative approaches with the participation of relevant stakeholders, which is particularly relevant in decision-making (Barré, 2010; Ràfols, 2019).In sum, this collection of articles offers a panoramic view of the variety of current perspectives on how quantitative science studies are related to qualitative science studies and neighboring fields. Scholarly communication is specialist communication that needs to be translated carefully when used in different contexts. It seems to us that both qualitative and quantitative perspectives are needed in high-quality STS. To paraphrase the above quotation from Merton (1948), the relations between qualitative and quantitative STS "should not only remain solemn vows—one should know how to carry on from there." These reciprocal roles can then be elaborated in research designs and programs. The edge between qualitative and quantitative approaches in STS has also been a source for our longer-term research programs.The authors have no competing interests.No funding was received for this research.We are grateful to the authors of the papers for their collaboration and to Sally Wyatt for her participation in the initiative for this theme issue. Cassidy Sugimoto supported the project as the President of ISSI. We are grateful to the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) - Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology for covering the APCs of the papers published in this special issue.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
Quantitative and Qualitative STS: the Intellectual and Practical Contributions of Scientometrics
Sally Wyatt,Staaa Milojevii,Diana Lucio-Arias,Han Woo Park,Selma abanovii,Loet Leydesdorff
SSRN Electronic Journal
Abstract:We provide an overview of the common origins of qualitative and quantitative forms of STS, offering a discursive account of this history. We then demonstrate how scientometric techniques can be used to address substantive research questions, and we provide examples relevant both to the origins of STS and its state of the art. Our purpose is not to provide an exhaustive review of either qualitative or quantitative methods, as there exist many methods textbooks for both (e.g. Moed et al. 2004; Franklin 2012), although contemporary STS has tended to neglect methods. The final substantive section picks up the themes of “big data” and “reflexivity”, and also provides some reflection on the current use of indicators.
The quest for more integration between qualitative and quantitative perspectives was central to a workshop organized by the Network of European Centers
Loet Leydesdorff,Paul Wouters,Robert King
Abstract:“Measuring is knowing” is a truism in the sciences. In the interdisciplinary field of science and technology studies (STS), however, a large gap exists between quantitative and qualitative approaches. There are a few exceptions, but most scholars restrict themselves to one of these repertoires. As a consequence, scientometric studies are sometimes sociologically naive while qualitative analyses often neglect possibilities to test their hypotheses. This divide might it be coined a great divide in science and technology studies? is visible in methodology sections of articles, in conference selections, in the composition of personal networks of STS scholars, and, lastly, in their citation behaviour.
The relations between qualitative theory and scientometric methods in science and technology studies
Loet Leydesdorff
IF: 3.801
Abstract:This issue ofScientometrics originated from a Workshop of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST). In this introduction the relations between qualitative theory and the use of scientometric methods is placed in the historical perspective of the emergence of science and technology studies over the last decades. The differences among various theories in terms of dimensions, units of analysis and levels of aggregation are elaborated. Thereafter, the various contributions to the issue are discussed within this framework.
Scientometrics and Science Studies: From Words and Co-Words to Information and Probabilistic Entropy
Loet Leydesdorff
Digital Libraries
Abstract:The tension between qualitative theorizing and quantitative methods is pervasive in the social sciences, and poses a constant challenge to empirical research. But in science studies as an interdisciplinary specialty, there are additional reasons why a more reflexive consciousness of the differences among the relevant disciplines is necessary. How can qualitative insights from the history of ideas and the sociology of science be combined with the quantitative perspective? By using the example of the lexical and semantic value of word occurrences, the issue of qualitatively different meanings of the same phenomena is discussed as a methodological problem. Nine criteria for methods which are needed for the development of science studies as an integrated enterprise can then be specified. Information calculus is suggested as a method which can comply with these criteria.
Scientometrics and communication theory: Towards theoretically informed indicators
L. Leydesdorff,P. Van Den Besselaar
IF: 4.755
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Abstract:The theory of citations should not consider cited and/or citing agents as its sole subject of study. One is able to study also the dynamics in the networks of communications. While communicating agents (e.g., authors, laboratories, journals) can be made comparable in terms of their publication and citation counts, one would expect the communication networks not to be homogeneous. The latent structures of the network indicate different codifications that span a space of possible “translations”. The various subdynamics can be hypothesized from an evolutionary perspective. Using the network of aggregated journal-journal citations in Science & Technology Studies as an empirical case, the operation of such subdynamics can be demonstrated. Policy implications and the consequences for a theory-driven type of scientometrics will be elaborated.
A scientists' view of scientometrics: Not everything that counts can be counted
R. Kenna,O. Mryglod,B. Berche
Abstract:Like it or not, attempts to evaluate and monitor the quality of academic research have become increasingly prevalent worldwide. Performance reviews range from at the level of individuals, through research groups and departments, to entire universities. Many of these are informed by, or functions of, simple scientometric indicators and the results of such exercises impact onto careers, funding and prestige. However, there is sometimes a failure to appreciate that scientometrics are, at best, very blunt instruments and their incorrect usage can be misleading. Rather than accepting the rise and fall of individuals and institutions on the basis of such imprecise measures, calls have been made for indicators be regularly scrutinised and for improvements to the evidence base in this area. It is thus incumbent upon the scientific community, especially the physics, complexity-science and scientometrics communities, to scrutinise metric indicators. Here, we review recent attempts to do this and show that some metrics in widespread use cannot be used as reliable indicators research quality.
Physics and Society,Digital Libraries
Science Studies and Sociology
Loet Leydesdorff
Abstract:On the occasion of celebrating “100 years of sociology in the Netherlands” with a theme issue of Sociologischl Magazine, the editors of this journal invited me to discuss the development of science and technology studies (STS) in relation to sociology. STS has been developed at some distance from sociology; their relation is asymmetrical. From the disciplinary perspective of sociology, the study of scientific research can be considered as an application; for STS, sociology is a discipline-based frame of reference, like economics or the philosophy of science.Merton (1942) specified the institutional conditions for “academic” scientific practices such as the CUDOS norms of science. Κυδος is classical Greek for a watchman, and serves here as an acronym for the norms of science: Communalism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized Scepticism. By focusing on institutional dynamics, Merton’s sociology of science accorded with Popper’s ([1935] 1959) philosophy of science. Pre-war sociologists of knowledge like Simmel and Mannheim were overshadowed by Merton’s institutional sociology of science. Popper proposed to distinguish between the context of discovery and the context of validation. The development of the content of science—the context of validation—could then be considered as the subject of the history and philosophy of science, while sociology focuses on how institutions and practices are shaped in science and by science. From Popper’s perspective,, the study of the latter contexts can be left to sociologists. This division of labour between sociology and philosophy in studying the sciences was increasingly abandoned with the more recent development of STS (e.g., Lakatos & Musgrave, 1970).
Science of science: A multidisciplinary field studying science
Alexander Krauss
IF: 3.776
Abstract:Science and knowledge are studied by researchers across many disciplines, examining how they are developed, what their current boundaries are and how we can advance them. By integrating evidence across disparate disciplines, the holistic field of science of science can address these foundational questions. This field illustrates how science is shaped by many interconnected factors: the cognitive processes of scientists, the historical evolution of science, economic incentives, institutional influences, computational approaches, statistical, mathematical and instrumental foundations of scientific inference, scientometric measures, philosophical and ethical dimensions of scientific concepts, among other influences. Achieving a comprehensive overview of a multifaceted field like the science of science requires pulling together evidence from the many sub-fields studying science across the natural and social sciences and humanities. This enables developing an interdisciplinary perspective of scientific practice, a more holistic understanding of scientific processes and outcomes, and more nuanced perspectives to how scientific research is conducted, influenced and evolves. It enables leveraging the strengths of various disciplines to create a holistic view of the foundations of science. Different researchers study science from their own disciplinary perspective and use their own methods, and there is a large divide between quantitative and qualitative researchers as they commonly do not read or cite research using other methodological approaches. A broader, synthesizing paper employing a qualitative approach can however help provide a bridge between disciplines by pulling together aspects of science (economic, scientometric, psychological, philosophical etc.). Such an approach enables identifying, across the range of fields, the powerful role of our scientific methods and instruments in shaping most aspects of our knowledge and science, whereas economic, social and historical influences help shape what knowledge we pursue. A unifying theory is then outlined for science of science - the new-methods-drive-science theory.
Bibliometric studies outside the information science and library science field: uncontainable or uncontrollable?
Gregorio González-Alcaide
IF: 3.801
Abstract:Bibliometrics, and more generally all metric indicators, are increasingly used as research tools as well as for managing and evaluating research activities. This study analyzes the characteristics of publications that use bibliometrics as a research method. We identified all relevant records indexed in the Web of Science-Core Collection (1965–2019), generating a coauthorship network and performing a comparative analysis of papers published in journals specializing in Information Science & Library Science (IS&LS) and in other areas of knowledge. Metric studies show an "uncontainable" pattern of dynamic development, with the number of papers published in the past 15 years multiplying 12-fold and spreading to all areas of knowledge. This growth has evaded the discipline's natural mechanisms of control, taking place outside the traditional niche of bibliometric studies as an autonomous and "uncontrollable" process that disregards the knowledge generated within the main theoretical frameworks linked to IS&LS. Different research groups are widely dispersed and atomized, and there are few collaboration and citation ties between IS&LS and non-IS&LS bibliometric research. Our results should spark reflection on the need to strengthen the teaching of bibliometrics and other metrics for use as research tools, to demand rigorous and critical review prior to the acceptance and publication of this type of study, and to foster links and cohesion of the extended research community operating in the area.
information science & library science,computer science, interdisciplinary applications
Methodological monotheism across fields of science in contemporary quantitative research
Andres F. Castro Torres,Aliakbar Akbaritabar
Digital Libraries
Abstract:The importance of research teams' diversity for the progress of science is highlighted extensively. Despite the seemingly hegemonic role of hypothesis testing in modern quantitative research, little attention has been devoted to the diversity of quantitative methods, epitomized by the linear model framework of analysis. Using bibliometric data from the Web of Science, we conduct a large-scale and cross-disciplinary assessment of the prevalence of linear-model-based research from 1990 to 2022. In absolute terms, linear models are widely used across all fields of science. In relative terms, three patterns suggest linear models are hegemonic among Social Sciences. First, there is a high and growing prevalence of linear-model-based research. Second, global patterns of linear-model-based research prevalence align with global inequalities in knowledge production. Third, there was a citation premium to linear-model-based research until 2012 for articles' number of citations and for the entire period in terms of having at least one citation. Previous research suggests that the confluence of these patterns may be detrimental to the Social Sciences as it potentially marginalizes theories incompatible with the linear models' framework, lowers the diversity of narratives about social phenomena, and prevents innovative and path-breaking research, limiting the breadth of research.
Making Quantitative Research Work: From Positivist Dogma to Actual Social Scientific Inquiry
Michael J. Zyphur,Dean C. Pierides
IF: 6.331
Journal of Business Ethics
Abstract:Researchers misunderstand their role in creating ethical problems when they allow dogmas to purportedly divorce scientists and scientific practices from the values that they embody. Cortina (J Bus Ethics. <a href=""></a>, <a href="/article/10.1007/s10551-019-04189-6#ref-CR200">2019</a>), Edwards (J Bus Ethics. <a href=""></a>, <a href="/article/10.1007/s10551-019-04189-6#ref-CR202">2019</a>), and Powell (J Bus Ethics. <a href=""></a>, <a href="/article/10.1007/s10551-019-04189-6#ref-CR206">2019</a>) help us clarify and further develop our position by responding to our critique of, and alternatives to, this misleading separation. In this rebuttal, we explore how the desire to achieve the separation of facts and values is unscientific on the very terms endorsed by its advocates—this separation is refuted by empirical observation. We show that positivists like Cortina and Edwards offer no rigorous theoretical or empirical justifications to substantiate their claims, let alone critique ours. Following Powell, we point to how classical pragmatism understands 'purpose' in scientific pursuits while also providing an alternative to the dogmas of positivism and related philosophical positions. In place of dogmatic, unscientific cries about an abstract and therefore always-unobservable 'reality,' we invite all organizational scholars to join us in shifting the discussion about quantitative research towards empirically grounded scientific inquiry. This makes the ethics of actual people and their practices central to quantitative research, including the thoughts, discourses, and behaviors of researchers who are always in particular places doing particular things. We propose that quantitative researchers can thus start to think about their research practices as a kind of work, rather than having the status of a kind of dogma. We conclude with some implications that this has for future research and education, including the relevance of research and research methods.
A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Publications on the Fuzzy Sets Theory
Fernando Castelló-Sirvent
IF: 2.4
Abstract:The publication opportunities in science require knowing the existing gaps in the academic debate. In recent decades, scholars specializing in fuzzy theory and applied methodologies have experienced an unprecedented evolution of the field. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have shaped the way socio-technical transitions use fuzzy methodologies to solve environmental problems. This study conducts a systematic literature review of articles published in the Journal Citations Report on these specific fields. The Web of Science (Core Collection) was used and a database was assembled (N = 1956) that allowed the evaluation of the evolution of the research agenda and detecting high-impact publication opportunities. A model of analysis of successful strategies in academic influence is proposed. The model is tested with a configurational methodology through fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA). The conditions used are: number of authors, underlying interest of the researchers, standardized citations per year, age of the articles and link of the research with sustainability. The results are solid and inform five paths that ensure the success of academic publications in high-impact journals. The robustness of the model allows its extrapolation to other fields of research. The contribution of this article allows knowledge of the academic conversation and its research opportunities. In addition, it clarifies the different paths that guarantee high impact research articles. This article offers important recommendations for academics and journal editors, allowing them to guide and advise academic production in the scholarly debate of the future.
Information metrics (iMetrics): a research specialty with a socio-cognitive identity?
Staša Milojević,Loet Leydesdorff
IF: 3.801
Abstract:Abstract“Bibliometrics”, “scientometrics”, “informetrics”, and “webometrics” can all be considered as manifestations of a single research area with similar objectives and methods, which we call “information metrics” or iMetrics. This study explores the cognitive and social distinctness of iMetrics with respect to the general information science (IS), focusing on a core of researchers, shared vocabulary and literature/knowledge base. Our analysis investigates the similarities and differences between four document sets. The document sets are drawn from three core journals for iMetrics research (Scientometrics, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, and Journal of Informetrics). We split JASIST into document sets containing iMetrics and general IS articles. The volume of publications in this representation of the specialty has increased rapidly during the last decade. A core of researchers that predominantly focus on iMetrics topics can thus be identified. This core group has developed a shared vocabulary as exhibited in high similarity of title words and one that shares a knowledge base. The research front of this field moves faster than the research front of information science in general, bringing it closer to Price’s dream.
information science & library science,computer science, interdisciplinary applications
SAQ, SSI and STSE education: defending and extending “science-in-context”
Larry Bencze,Chantal Pouliot,Erminia Pedretti,Laurence Simonneaux,Jean Simonneaux,Dana Zeidler
Cultural Studies of Science Education
Abstract:Many scholars suggest that recent major science education initiatives apparently tied to intense economic competitiveness and growth have prioritized education about "products" (e.g., laws, theories, innovations) and skills (e.g., experimentation) of fields of science and technology. Such initiatives also, apparently, tend to avoid research findings from fields of humanities and social sciences that frequently link, more or less directly, fields of science and technology with many often-controversial harms for individuals, societies and environments. Cited as particularly problematic among humanity's many challenges is devastation from climate change associated with humans' uses of petroleum-fuelled technologies. Over about the last five decades, however, science education scholars have been conducting research that may help educate students about "science-in-context" (SinC) conceptions, perspectives, skills, etc., regarding controversial harms like those mentioned above. In this review article, we analyze summaries provided here by four prominent scholars in their respective SinC fields, that is, about: <i>Science, Technology, Society and Environment</i> relationships, <i>Socially</i>-<i>Acute Questions</i> and <i>Socioscientific Issues</i>. Based on extended experiences by the authors here with aspects of the three SinC fields, we suggest that despite some niche differences in <i>ontological</i>, <i>epistemological</i> and <i>axiological</i> positions of scholarship among them, their congruences perhaps offer hope to those wanting to provide students with more holistic and critical conceptions of associations of fields of science and technology with many of humanity's numerous personal, social and environmental threats that students may, in turn, use to contribute to a more just and environmentally sound world.
education & educational research,cultural studies
The problem of the relationship qualitative data, quantitative data in general statistics
Jhon Jairo Mosquera Rodas
Abstract:The disjunction between nature and science is studied, together with the need to modify the conception of natural science vs artificial science, related to the perspective of objectivity and subjectivity, to end with the explanation of the process of polarization of methodologies and the relationship between mixed data, as a possibility of unification of qualitative and quantitative data, through relationships and correlations.
Physics and Society
Qualitative inquiry, mixed methods and the logic of scientific inquiry
D. Hiles
Abstract:This paper is concerned with exploring what is needed in making progress towards establishing a mature methodology for human and social inquiry. The approach that is proposed takes the somewhat radical position which sees the distinction between qualitative and quantitative methodologies as little more than a red herring. When focus is placed upon the type of data being collected, rather than on the research design, the result is merely a polarization of the different methodological approaches, deflecting away from what is the underlying critical issue – the logic of inquiry. The crucial insight here is that at least three fundamentally different logics of inquiry can be distinguished: (i) theory–driven; (ii) data–driven; and (iii) explanation–driven, each with its own inherent patterns of logical reasoning. These different logics of inquiry have radical implications for research design, and in particular, the phrasing of the research question(s). This in turn has major implications for the clarification of what is really at stake in the confrontation between qualitative and quantitative, with respect to paradigm assumptions, formulating the research question, sampling, data collection, analysis, and critical evaluation, etc. Moreover, the ongoing debate surrounding the issue of mixed method design can be rey–focussed on how contrasting logics of inquiry can come to be combined into one research programme. It needs to be acknowledged that mixed methods probably has a surprisingly long history, and is more inherent to the scientific method than is commonly acknowledged. By facing these issues, the pay–off is a more authentic picture of what ‘the scientific method’ might actually entail for psychology.
Do Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reflect two Distinct Cultures? An Empirical Analysis of 180 Articles Suggests “no”
David Kuehn,Ingo Rohlfing
Abstract:The debate about the characteristics and advantages of quantitative and qualitative methods is decades old. In their seminal monograph, A Tale of Two Cultures (2012 , ATTC), Gary Goertz and James Mahoney argue that methods and research design practices for causal inference can be distinguished as two cultures that systematically differ from each other along 25 specific characteristics. ATTC’s stated goal is a description of empirical patterns in quantitative and qualitative research. Yet, it does not include a systematic empirical evaluation as to whether the 25 are relevant and valid descriptors of applied research. In this paper, we derive five observable implications from ATTC and test the implications against a stratified random sample of 90 qualitative and 90 quantitative articles published in six journals between 1990–2012. Our analysis provides little support for the two-cultures hypothesis. Quantitative methods are largely implemented as described in ATTC, whereas qualitative methods are much more diverse than ATTC suggests. While some practices do indeed conform to the qualitative culture, many others are implemented in a manner that ATTC characterizes as constitutive of the quantitative culture. We find very little evidence for ATTC's anchoring of qualitative research with set-theoretic approaches to empirical social science research. The set-theoretic template only applies to a fraction of the qualitative research that we reviewed, with the majority of qualitative work incorporating different method choices.
sociology,social sciences, mathematical methods
Comparison of Quantitative and Qualitative Research Traditions: epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences
Kaya Yilmaz
Abstract:There has been much discussion about quantitative and qualitative approaches to research in different disciplines. In the behavioural and social sciences, these two paradigms are compared to reveal their relative strengths and weaknesses. But the debate about both traditions has commonly taken place in academic books. It is hard to find an article that deals with the generic issues related to the quantitative and qualitative divide by drawing on distinguished research literature. Interested in addressing this need, this article aims to explain the essential characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research approaches with an emphasis on their underlying epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences. It elucidates the research design issues and concepts in relation to both research paradigms, from planning research to collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. The criteria that are used to evaluate research strategies and findings are also discussed.
Reflecting on the Science in Science Communication
K. Bronson
Abstract:Science communication is often understood as the transmission of facts to ignorant audiences. Science and Technology Studies allows a different perspective on science—as open to negotiation with other knowledges and institutions—and therefore a different perspective on its communication. Within an STS perspective, what counts as scientific fact or legitimate expertise takes shape within communicative acts. This article demonstrates the analytical purchase given by taking such an approach to science communication by applying it to a case analysis of biotechnology resistance on the Canadian Prairie. La communication scientifique est souvent comprise comme la transmission de faits a un public ignorant. Etudes des science et technologies (STS) nous proposent une perspective differente sur la science—comme un ensemble de contenus ouverts a la negociation avec d’autres savoirs et institutions—et donc une perspective decalee en termes de communication. Dans une perspective STS, ce qui est considere comme un fait scientifique ou une expertise legitime prend forme dans des actes de communication. Cet article demontre la pertinence de ce type d’analyse pour apprehender la communication scientifique en l’appliquant a une etude de cas portant sur la resistance face aux biotechnologies dans la Prairie canadienne.
Studying review articles in scientometrics and beyond: a research agenda
Clemens Blümel,Alexander Schniedermann
IF: 3.801
Abstract:Abstract Review articles are an often neglected genre in scholarly communication. Though there was intense discussion about review articles in scientometrics in the 1970s and 1980s, we find less studies devoted to this genre within the last 20 years. Yet, recent discussions in other fields, such as linguistics, sociology or medicine imply that review articles are part of important debates about problems of research in academia, such as research quality or transparency. Against that background, the purpose of this paper is to review recent developments for the study of review articles in scientometrics and beyond, to discuss theoretical, conceptual and empirical accounts of how review articles can be defined, and to identify major methodological and conceptual challenges for studying review articles. Based on reviewing work and inputs received from of a workshop conducted at a Conference of the International Society of Informetrics in September 2019, we propose a research agenda for the study of review articles. We have identified six realms of study in this area: (1) the study of methodological caveats resulting from the usage of scholarly databases, (2) the study of field specific patterns of reception and usage of review articles, (3) the study of argumentative and textual structures of review articles, (4) the exploration of organizations and infrastructures for review articles, (5) the study of epistemic roles of review articles, and (6) the analysis of authorship patterns in review articles.
information science & library science,computer science, interdisciplinary applications