TUNEL Assay of Apoptosis in Human Hepatocellularcarcinoma under Laser Confocal Microscope

Jian Li
Abstract:AIM: The purpose of this study was to examinethe occurrence of apoptotic cell death in HCC - 92O4 cell lineand 2l formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded biopsy specimensfrom liver cirrhosis (6 cases ) and hepatocellular carcinoma(l5 cases ) by TUNE1, assay under laser confocal microscope.METHoDS: Apoptosis of HCC-92O4 cell line was induced byadriamycin (2O pmol/I,). Modified TUNEL assay was con-ducted using in situ cell death detection kit. The morphoIogical changes were observed under MRC lO24l aser confocalmicroscope mounted on the microscope with a 4OXoil immer-sion lens. Control experiments were also per formed, includ-ing DNase-digestion before TUNEL as a positive control andTdT and FITC-dUTP deletion as a negative control. RoutineHE staining was conducted on serial sections. RESULTS:Con focaI microscopic evaluation of FlTC-labeled TUNELpositiye celIs revealed nuclei with morphologic characteristicsof apoptosis, consisting of typical crescent-shaped chromatinmargination, nuclear fragmentation and formation of numer-ous micronuclei, especially in apoptosis of HCC-92O4 cell lineinduced by adriamycin. Nearly all sections had positive signalsof TUNEL staining, which were observed on the nuclearsites. ln noncancerous tissues, most of TUNEL-positive cellswere scattered. In HCC tissues, TUNEL-positive cells weremorphologically scattered or clustered. CoNCLUSIoN:TUNEI, assay is at present a useful method to detect earlymorphological change of apoptotic cells in situ under laserconfocal microscope.
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