Improved simulation software of marine diesel engine for a marine power plant simulator
Abstract:In this paper, an improved simulation software of marine diesel engine for Marine Simulator hasbeen introduced. At first, mathematic models of working cycle of diesel engine 6S60MC have been built,including the models of cylinders, turbocharger, air cooler, scavenging process and exhaust process. Sec-ondly, an improved method is adopted to calculate the exhaust process in order to shorten the simulatingtime of the working cycle of diesel engine, at the same time, the simulation precision is high. Thirdly,many parameters of each cylinder of the diesel engine have been simulated, such as P-ψ, P-V, T-ψ,dQ/dψ-ψ, dx/dψ-ψ, and scavenging air coefficient, sufficient air coefficient, residual exhaust gas coef-ficient, piston wall temperature, cylinder cover wall and cylinder wall temperature, and so on. Fourthly,there are many fault settings in the simulation software, which can train the students or trainers' abilitiesto judge the faults. Fifthly, there are also alarms and parameters in the software.