Distance learning of the Chinese language for students of humanities in Russian higher education institutions
Yi Anran
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20913/2618-7515-2022-2-15
Professional education in the modern world
Abstract:Introduction. The issue of the relevance of distance education has been studied by various researchers for several decades, since the general digitalization of society. Since 2019, after the start of the COVID epidemic, this issue has become particularly relevant in all areas of education, including the study of foreign languages. In the period 2019–2020, teachers of Chinese and Russian universities actively developed new distance programs that take into account both the peculiarities of learning with the help of modern equipment and technologies, and the difficulties of learning Chinese by students of Russian universities. Purpose setting. For several years, the system of distance learning Chinese language for students of Russian universities has changed significantly. At this time new programs are being developed, modern platforms and applications are being used, and interactive learning methods are being introduced. It is necessary to identify all the features of distance education. Methodology of the study. To conduct this study, we used such methods as: the study of theoretical literature and the analysis of practical experience. Results. As a result of the study, a number of both advantages and disadvantages were identified in relation to the distance education system. In general, the new system differs from standard full-time education, but, despite all its technological difficulties, it can become one of the most effective education systems. Conclusion. The Chinese distance education model, despite all the difficulties, is actively developing, trying to meet the world’s needs. And the main advantage is that students from different regions can easily communicate, discussing exciting issues of linguistic features and culture of the ancient country of the East. But it will take a long time for this education system to become «ideal».