Ti3SiC2-TiC-Si Antioxidant Coating Prepared on SiC Coated MG Spheres of HTR Fuel Element by Molten Salt Technique
H Yang,H Zhao,X Liu,K Zhang,T Wang,Z Li,Y Gao,Bing Liu
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2048/1/012014
Journal of Physics Conference Series
Abstract:A Ti3SiC2-TiC-Si composite coating was prepared by molten salt technique on the surface of SiC coated matrix graphite (MG) spheres of HTR fuel element with different Ti content. The coating is composed of a transition layer, a SiC layer and an outer Ti- rich layer. When the content of Ti is 0.6g, the coating consists of Ti3SiC2, SiC, and TiC; when Ti content are 1.2g and 2.4g, the coating is composed of Ti3SiC2, SiC, TiC, and Si. Oxidation tests show that the kinetics of oxidation is parabolic at the beginning of oxidation; then it becomes linear after oxidation for 5h. The coating prepared with 0.6g Ti shows the best oxidation resistance, and the weight reduction of the coated MG spheres is only 0.33% after oxidation in static air at 1773K for 50h. These results show that Ti-based composites coating a kind of anti-oxidation coating system worth studying.