Concurrent Post Greater Than His Own Job:Li Hongzhang’s and the Evolvent of the Duties of "Beiyang Minister" Role Change
Abstract:On November 12,1870,the Qing government made some major changes to its official system in relation to foreign affairs:the minister position in charge of the trade for three ports was eliminated,instead,Li Hongzhang was appointed as Beiyang minister,an imperial commissioner in charge of foreign trade,with his seat in Tianjin.Apart from this concurrent post,Li was at the same time governor of Zhili province,with his seat in Baoding.These changes were unprecedented and opened up a new stage of diplomacy,which was more flexible and open.Beiyang minister was a newly-created post in charge of diplomacy,defense,ordnance,with a far greater responsibility than that of governor of Zhili province.After Li Hongzhang,the concept of Beiyang,which means the northern seas,continued to change and get expanded.