Experimental Quantum Key Distribution with Source Flaws and Tight Finite-Key Analysis

Feihu Xu,Shihan Sajeed,Sarah Kaiser,Zhiyuan Tang,Li Qian,Vadim Makarov,Hoi‐Kwong Lo
Abstract:Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3G1, Canada(Dated: August 19, 2014)Decoy-state quantum key distribution (QKD) is a standard technique in current quantum cryptographic im-plementations. Unfortunately, existing experiments have two important drawbacks: the state preparation isassumed to be perfect without errors and the employed security proofs do not fully consider the finite-key ef-fects for general attacks. These two drawbacks mean that existing experiments are not guaranteed to be securein practice. Here, we perform an experiment that for the first time shows secure QKD with imperfect statepreparations at long distances and achieves rigorous finite -key security bounds for decoy-state QKD againstgeneral quantum attacks in the universally composable framework. We implement both decoy-state BB84 andthree-state protocol on top of a commercial QKD system and generate secure keys over 50 km standard telecomfiber based on a recent security analysis that is loss-tolerant to source flaws. Our work constitutes an importantstep towards secure QKD with imperfect devices.I. INTRODUCTION
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