Mass communication as an ontological background of modern culture
G.B. Alzhanova,,B.I. Karipbayev,D.G. Shormanbayeva,,
Abstract:The article analyzes the history of the development of forms, methods and means of communication as one of the main factors in the civilizational development of mankind. The author agrees with M. McLuhan's periodization, supplementing it with specific characteristics of the current stage in the development of communication, which can be designated as mass communication. Among its constitutive features stand out: derealization, glocalization, individualization, publicity, the disappearance of intimacy and semantic involution. Communication is defined as a mode of existence of modern man and, more broadly, modern society. Identity, basic modes of activity, formats of existence – all this is somehow connected with mass communication, which has become the ontological framework of culture. New media allow a significant increase in the participation of their users, who are no longer passive recipients of information, but actively produce content and information. There is a negative trend of devaluation of traditional forms of communication, within which significant values were articulated and cultivated, contributing to the consolidation and solidarity of society. The question is raised about the possible threats of uncontrolled development of modern forms of culture based on a high speed of message transmission, which, in the author's opinion, leads to the disappearance of the option of deep reflection, the possibility of understanding at the level of the whole. Digitalization threatens the barbarization of society, its return to the state of the dark Middle Ages, when the value of personal and autonomous intentions is leveled, and thoughtless collectivity comes in their place.