PreliminaryImaging PerformanceofanUltra-high Resolution PinholeSPECT SystemUsing an Intensified EMCCD Camera

Ling-Jian Meng,Seungryong Cho,Charles A. Pelizzari,Jeffrey S. Souris,Xiaochuan Pan,Chin-Tu Chen
Abstract:Thispaperpresents preliminary results achieved using anultra-high resolution pinhole SPECTsystemforsmall animalimaging using1-125 radiotracers. Thissystemisbased ona very-high resolution gamma camerathatconsists ofan intensified EMCCD (I-EMCCD)cameracoupled tocolumnar Csl(Tl) scintillators. TheI-EMCCDcameraprovides anactive areaof-80mmdiameter, anintrinsic resolution of-60gmanda nearperfect photoncounting efficiency fordetecting 27-35keV photonsemitted by1-125. A single pinhole aperture witha lOOgmdiameter pinhole wasusedinthese imaging studies based onbothphantoms andmiceinjected with1-125 NaClsolution. A reconstructed spatial resolution of <100lmhas been experimentally achieved. Giventheultra-high spatial resolution andtheverylowreadout noise, theI-EMCCDcamerahasthe potential ofoffering a further improved spatial resolution for smallanimalimaging applications withtracers labelled with multiple radioisotopes suchas1-125, 1-123 andTc-99metc. The I-EMCCDbasedgamma cameracanbeusedfora proposed single photon emission microscope (SPEM)system thatprovides a sub-hundred micronresolution anda reasonable detection efficiency forsmall animal imaging. IndexTerms - Intensified EMCCD camera, pinhole SPECT, ultra-high spatial resolution.
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