A NovelKinematic Calibration Methodfora3DOF Flexure-based Parallel Mechanism

Daihong Chao,Guanghua Zong,Yu Jing
Abstract:Thispaperpresents anovelcalibration strategy fora 3DOF flexure-based parallel manipulator toovercome weaknesses andembracemerits ofexisting approaches. An algorithm socalled Simplex Methodisdeveloped forthepurpose ofcalibrating this manipulator bymeansofacamera-based data acquisition system. Calibration isperformed according tothe inverse kinematic modelmethod. TheSimplex Methodalgorithm doesn't identify directly theerrors ofgeometry parameters, but finds themostappropriate control modeltaking alltheerrors intoaccount, thuscanimprove themovingaccuracy oftheend- effector sharply. Inthecalibration process, matrixregrouping methodisintroduced toobtain themostappropriate control model.Aftergetting the controlmodelexperimentally, verification experiments utilizing alaser interferometer havealso beenconducted toprovetheeffectiveness ofthis novel calibration method. IndexTerms- Flexure, parallel mechanism, calibration algorithm, Simplex Method, vision system
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