Investigation of Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Spray Characteristics with a 3D Eulerian Spray Model Coupled with the Nozzle Cavitating Flow

Zhixia He,Zhaochen Jiang,Juyan Liu,Qian Wang
Abstract:It is well known that near-nozzle fuel liquid jet develop ment dominated by internal nozzle flo w and related flu id-dynamic instability governs the primary break-up process of the injected fuel. The fuel primary ato mizat ion controls the mixing of fuel with surrounding oxidant gas, which is significant to achieve highly -efficient and clean combustion for diesel engines. Different nozzle geo metry at the same operative conditions can lead to dramat ically d ifferent behaviors in co mbustion performance and emissions format ion. While the relation between nozzle flow and spray development in the co mbustion chamber is still a challenging topic with a high improvement potential. Based on the third-generation synchrotrons of Shanghai synchrotron radiation facility (SSRF), the high-precision three-dimension structure of nozzle with detailed internal geometry information were obtained, which is the basis of the subsequent numerical simulat ion. A 3D-Eu lerian Spray mu ltiphase model coupled with the cavitating flow inside the nozzle was put forward to simulate the whole spray process, including the primary atomization and secondary break-up. The nozzle flow and near-field spray were simulated with the VOF mu ltiphase model. At a certain downstream location, where the spray is diluted, this Eulerian spray approach was switched to conventional Lagrangian approach. In this model, the fuel volu me fraction of the cell at the switch position determined the droplet size. This entire methodology was validated through the experimental data of liquid spray penetration under non-evaporating chamber conditions. The multi-scheme nu merical simu lations were carried out by this model to investigate effect of the no zzle geometry and configuration on in ner cavitating flow and the subsequent spray characteristics.
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