Switched Control Design for Quadrotor in Target Tracking with Complex Intermittent Measurements

Ye Liang,Jianan Yang,Lixian Zhang,Simone Baldi,Bart De Schutter
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2514/1.G006599
Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics
Abstract:No AccessEngineering NotesSwitched Control Design for Quadrotor in Target Tracking with Complex Intermittent MeasurementsYe Liang, Jianan Yang, Lixian Zhang, Simone Baldi and Bart De SchutterYe LiangHarbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, People’s Republic of China*Ph.D. Candidate, School of Astronautics; .Search for more papers by this author, Jianan YangHarbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, People’s Republic of China†Ph.D. Candidate, School of Astronautics; (Co-Corresponding Author).Search for more papers by this author, Lixian ZhangHarbin Institute of Technology, 150001 Harbin, People’s Republic of China‡Professor, School of Astronautics; (Corresponding Author).Search for more papers by this author, Simone Baldi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9752-8925Southeast University, 210000 Nanjing, People’s Republic of China§Professor, School of Mathematics; .Search for more papers by this author and Bart De SchutterDelft University of Technology, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands¶Professor, Delft Center for Systems and Control; .Search for more papers by this authorPublished Online:13 Nov 2022https://doi.org/10.2514/1.G006599SectionsRead Now ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload citationTrack citations ShareShare onFacebookTwitterLinked InRedditEmail About References [1] Yang H. 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All rights reserved. All requests for copying and permission to reprint should be submitted to CCC at www.copyright.com; employ the eISSN 1533-3884 to initiate your request. See also AIAA Rights and Permissions www.aiaa.org/randp. TopicsAircraft Operations and TechnologyAircraftsControl TheoryGuidance, Navigation, and Control SystemsNonlinear Control TheoryQuadcopterUnmanned Aerial Vehicle KeywordsQuadrotorUnmanned SystemAcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62225305, Grant 12072088, Grant 62003117, and Grant 62003118; in part by the Grant JCKY2020603B010; and in part by Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province, China, under Grant ZD2020F001.PDF Received28 November 2021Accepted4 October 2022Published online13 November 2022
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