The human pseudocholinesterase system.
P. Gaffney
IF: 3.766
Biochemical Journal
Abstract:The characterization of normal human and animal tissue alkaline phosphatase (orthophosphoric monoester phosphohydrolase, EC has been described (Morton, 1955) and studied in great detail (Moss, Eaton, Smith & Whitby, 1967; Sussman, Small & Cotlove, 1968). Since such studies have not to date been reported for a tumour enzyme we studied the Shay Chloroma, a myeloblastic tumour in the rat (Moloney, Dorr, Dowd & Boschetti, 1962). This tumour contains an average of 8*0 i.u. of alkaline phosphatase/g. wet wt. of tumour. The enzyme was purified by butanol extraction, acetone fractionation, ammonium sulphate fractionation, gel filtration on Sephadex G-200 and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose DE52. Enzyme activity was eluted in 3 peaks from DEAE-cellulose DE52 at 50, 100 and 250 mM-NaCl, designated respectively peaks A, B and C. The purification achieved was 200-fold for peak B and 90-fold and 120-fold for peaks A and C. Enzyme B was eluted in two peaks of activity from Sephadex G-200, an included and excluded peak, and enzymes A and C were both totally excluded from the gel. The Km values for the three enzymes with p-nitrophenyl phosphate as substrate were 0-46, 0 37 and 0 44mm and the pH optimum was pH 10.2 in each case. Enzyme A was the most resistant to urea inactivation, 55% of the activity remaining in 3-0 M-urea compared with 20% with enzymes B and C. The urea inhibition was non-competitive. On polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, enzyme B moved as a single band and had the highest mobility, enzyme A separated into three bands and enzyme C into two bands of activity. One component of enzyme A and of enzyme B was retarded after neuraminidase treatment. Extensively dialysed samples of the three enzymes were activated by Mg2+, all to different degrees. EDTA inactivated enzymes A, B and C, the inactivation being a function of time and concentration; the activity was only partially restored by addition of Mg2+. The three enzymes varied in their heat stability but were all inhibited to the same extent (20%) by L-phenylalanine. The ratio of alkaline phosphatase activity to inorganic pyrophosphatase (pyrophosphate phosphohydrolase, EC activity was not constant through all the steps of purification (Moss et al. 1967); the ratios for enzymes A, B and C were 13, 20 and 12 respectively.