The Utopia of Eros: On Aristophanes' Encomium in Plato's <i>Symposium</i>

Wang Yunxia
Abstract:In Plato's Symposium,Aristophanes' encomium on Eros inspires us to learn human nature and its afflictions and the essence of love. According to Aristophanes' tale, human beings in the past are bisexual creatures. By the command of Zeus, each of them was cut into two and each of them is unisexual and seeks the other half. That means man is an existence of Sphinx factor. The desire and pursuit of the whole is the essence of Eros. Aristophanes' speech reveals love's three attributes: relationship, exclusiveness and wholeness. But since the beloved is regarded not as an individual, but as the lover's own half of the whole, both the openness and the otherness of love will be destroyed at last. Besides, the wholeness is nothing but an illusion which couldn't be achieved by returning to the primeval past. Contrast to Aristophanes' view of love, both Socrates and St. Augustine constructed the ladder of love, upward to the Idea or to the God. However, all of them shared the same love paradigm of separation and unity. In order to transcend the deficiency of their love narratives and to realize the liberation of love, the lovers need to transform from monologue to dialogue, from self-love to other-love, from loving the other as oneself to loving the other as the other.
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