Scaling limits of branching Loewner evolutions and the Dyson superprocess
Vivian Olsiewski Healey,Govind Menon
Abstract:This work introduces a construction of conformal processes that combines the theory of branching processes with chordal Loewner evolution. The main novelty lies in the choice of driving measure for the Loewner evolution: given a finite genealogical tree $\mathcal{T}$, we choose a driving measure for the Loewner evolution that is supported on a system of particles that evolves by Dyson Brownian motion at inverse temperature $\beta \in (0,\infty]$ between birth and death events.
When $\beta=\infty$, the driving measure degenerates to a system of particles that evolves through Coulombic repulsion between branching events. In this limit, the following graph embedding theorem is established: When $\mathcal{T}$ is equipped with a prescribed set of angles, $\{\theta_v \in (0,\pi/2)\}_{v \in \mathcal{T}}$ the hull of the Loewner evolution is an embedding of $\mathcal{T}$ into the upper half-plane with trivalent edges that meet at angles $(2\theta_v,2\pi-4\theta_v,2\theta_v)$ at the image of each edge $v$.
We also study the scaling limit when $\beta\in (0,\infty]$ is fixed and $\mathcal{T}$ is a binary Galton-Watson process that converges to a continuous state branching process. We treat both the unconditioned case (when the Galton-Watson process converges to the Feller diffusion) and the conditioned case (when the Galton-Watson tree converges to the continuum random tree). In each case, we characterize the scaling limit of the driving measure as a superprocess. In the unconditioned case, the scaling limit is the free probability analogue of the Dawson-Watanabe superprocess that we term the Dyson superprocess.